All Alone on the Edge of Seventeen

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First, an apology because it has been years since the last update of this story and I know I left it at a critical plot point and many of you looked forward to the next installment. You'll be glad to know that I rediscovered my muse and, upon reread and reflection, I decided to completely rewrite this story from the very beginning.

To new and old readers alike, happy reading!



The early morning was cool, with crisp snow settling upon the stone windowsill as the wind carried birdsong from the trees of the godswood over the grounds of Winterfell. Goosebumps appeared on the girl's skin as the chamber filled with biting air and white sunlight. Without a glance up from the book balanced in the crook of her lap, Eruanna Snow pulled the window closed and tugged gently at the sleeve of her dress. It was not oft her father instructed her to don her finest clothes, but for this particular morning he had insisted. The royal family were to arrive at Winterfell today. Though it frayed at the hem, and hugged her tight where gentle curves had replaced her childish form, the dress she wore was rather beautiful. A simple gown of grey and periwinkle blue, it had a belt of white pearls, a lightly embroidered bodice and a woollen skirt that no longer swept the stone floors the way it had many years ago.

Twenty pages later, Eruanna closed her book and ran a hand through her long, black curls, looking over to the direwolf curled up at the foot of her bed, deep in slumber. The book told the story of a forest maiden; it was one of her favourites and by the candlelight, she had read over half of it the night before, only stopping when the waking call of the birds could be heard from the godswood below her window. She glanced out of it now, to see how much more snow had gathered on her windowsill.

All of a sudden, her dark eyes widened in alarm at the sight of several grand carriages and white horses coming through the gates of the Winterfell castle. As fast as she could, Eruanna threw down the book and scurried from the windowsill, running down the stone stairs that led to her bedchamber with her skirts in tight fists. She had asked Jon to tell her when the Baratheons were due to arrive but he had obviously forgotten. Racing through the quiet halls past a few startled handmaidens, she eventually arrived at the castle doors with a quickened breath.

The snow fell lightly and her family stood in a row, watching the several Baratheons and Lannisters dismount the horses and climb out of the carriages. After a quick glance around, she found her twin brother standing a little behind the row of Starks beside the wards of Winterfell. She prayed it would go unnoticed that she was late. Careful not to draw any attention to herself, Eruanna inconspicuously slipped past Theon Greyjoy and Morven Karstark to stand beside him, worrying her lip between her teeth. Jon looked at her with a raised brow but thankfully, said nothing. Turning once again to face the Baratheons, they both dropped into a low bow with the other Northernmen to greet the King.

The warmth of King Robert Baratheon's smile could have melted the snow that settled on Eddard Stark's shoulders as they embraced each other, and her father wore a smile that she had not seen on his kind rugged face in many years. Eruanna had met the King once before, about eight years prior. The great, big man had dark hair and a deep laugh that rumbled in his chest. She remembered his large, protruding stomach (though it was larger now than she remembered), and the black beard on his boisterous face. He had come to Winterfell, and when he asked to meet her, he was very kind to her, she recalled. He had asked her about her book and told her a jape about horses. King Robert greeted Lady Catelyn, then each of her father's trueborn children, but Eruanna received only a momentary passing glance. As short as it was, it still unsettled her for she knew through Old Nan and even her father that she resembled her father's deceased sister closely the older she got, and it was no secret the affinity the King bore for Lyanna Stark.

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