She's hopelessly in love.

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I could get lost in her gorgeous curves. Her body did suffer in her past, a past of eating disorders and self harm. Nonetheless, she emerged with a few battle scars here and there, but those only add to her endless beauty. Her arms and legs were unimaginably thin whilst her breasts seemed not at all phased by the rest of her body's smallness. Her curves weren't like those of others, but her curves were perfect in my eyes. 

Speaking of, I could get lost in her eyes. Ah yes, those beautiful, round, chocolate brown eyes seemed to hypnotize me. Even though her eyes were adorned with under eye bags and occasionally filled with tears both happy and sad, every gaze in her eyes is a journey of infatuation for me. 

I could get lost in her unwavering courage. She had emerged from yee-old closet far before I had; I had wanted to step into the light for a while and her courage inspired me then and still does now. Her outrageous humor and strong opinions are never changed by the many who try to shut her down; shutting her down is equivalent to a mouse taming a lion...okay that was pretty lame, moving on!  Her personality is caring and firey and, even though the latter can cause her some confrontations at times, her personality is one in a million, which is probably the most attractive thing about her. 

Whether it be her alluring curves, her magnificent eyes, her forever courage, her perfect personality, her marvelous almost black, straight hair, her eyebrows that looked like they were carefully crafted by a master in...eyebrow making, her delicate nose that scrunches all cute when she laughs sarcastically, her perfect lips that tempt me every day, her adorable laugh that usually includes a few snorts, her way of always making me feel better, her...everything, there's always been something about her. Something that makes me melt when she enters a room. 

Dam........I really need to stop staring at her instagram pictures...alright, time to be gay somewhere else now. 

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