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Fans worldwide were reeling in shock when eleven-year-old Hollywood sensation Isabella Amor, best known for her lead role in the family show Pannie and May, announced that she will be taking a lengthy, seven-year long hiatus from the industry

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Fans worldwide were reeling in shock when eleven-year-old Hollywood sensation Isabella Amor, best known for her lead role in the family show Pannie and May, announced that she will be taking a lengthy, seven-year long hiatus from the industry. When interrogated, she explained that, "I've been putting in so much effort into building my career and doing auditions and everything, my education is starting to take second priority. I never know how long this acting thing's going to last, so I want to be knowledgeable enough to have other options, you know? So I'm going to go to a boarding school, focus on learning, and I'll be back in seven years, better than ever."

But despite the maturity and progressive thinking shown in her decision, her father Edward seems rather reluctant to see her leave the industry, stating that, "I want what's best for her, that's all. She's got a whole lot of potential in this industry, and seeing her leave makes me feel like she's wasting all that talent." Nevertheless, he claims that he will support her in all of her endeavors.

Her manager and agent, Julien Lawrence, though, seems to be fervently against the whole situation, and is actively attempting, along with Isabella's fans, to convince her to stay. He claims that, "Everything about wanting to focus on her education- I don't believe a single word. I think she's hiding something, but she won't tell me what. It's all a quite confusing matter. Whatever happens though, I would be heartbroken if she leaves- she's quite a special one. She's got a lot of talent in her."

Fans are divided in a heated debate, each forming their own opinions about the issue. A fan argued, "She's hiding something, without a doubt. Isn't she the one who preached that school and standard textbook education is useless? Isn't she the one who inspired those who don't do that well in school and showed them that they can still do great things? What happened to all that? And why does she decide to leave now? If she's got too much on her plate, why didn't she quit before? Something's definitely up."

Yet others, such as the Isabella Amor Fan Page, are supportive of her decision and argue that "She's focusing on herself. What's wrong with that? People need to remember that she's not just a Hollywood actor, she's a child. This is her time to learn and grow, and we as her supporters need to respect that."

Some theorize that she's being forced into her decision unwillingly. "That's the only possible explanation. This whole thing seems so secretive and unlike her- there's got to be something happening, whether in her personal or professional life. Either way, we offer her our support and we will do everything necessary to rescue her from whoever's making her do this," claimed an organization called Mission Rescue Isabella Amor, dedicated to the cause of saving the young star from the villainous anonymous that is, as they claim, forcing her to give up her career.

And some believe that it's all merely a ploy for attention, claiming that "Seven years? Yeah, sure. She'll be back before the next day, I'll bet."

Regardless, everybody agrees that we will miss the beloved actress terribly and wait faithfully for her return. Whatever is happening to Isabella Amor, the entire nation wishes her the best in her endeavors.

Written by Harper Wright.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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