Chapter 1

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In this place I was restricted in every way possible. Freedom would lead to my death; my head would be smashed open in the streets with a baseball bat and a group of men cheering on the man who did so. It was the way of life in Free Ridge as my older sister, Maria, liked to put it, with my cousin Ruby cheering her on as she told me of all the horror stories and deaths of young girls who got involved with parties, drugs and the deadliest of all . The Santos. Scary. It was my first week moving into Free Ridge with my sister and her husband, and it was not an easy one. Night curfews, wait no, day curfews were put in place since I was meant to be at home by 6:30, yes, I did fight for an extra 30 minutes but its not like I have any friends to hang around with. Sure, I have my cousin Ruby and his buddies but they were not my friends; plus, they were 4 years younger than me as I was 18. The fighting of the curfew was more of me being stubborn and standing my ground because as I like to put it 'Yall are not my parents' , hoes.

We had recently moved from London, England after their marriage and I was thus able to move here with a studying visa and I was even able to get a waitressing job seeing as there was no student finance for me here.

I was currently at Rubys house because there was no one at our house and since we were still new to the neighborhood, you guessed it, I would be somehow killed if I were to stay at home alone.

"What I dont understand is why you feel the need to go against me every time I argue with Maria about going out (and finding actual friends) . I thought you were cool Ruby! "

"Look Camila , I did it for your own good. If it werent for me, youd be dead by now so youre welcome for saving your life. I mean do you want me to remind you of what a baseball bat can do to us mortal beings?!"

"No Ruby, smashing a watermelon with a baseball bat again will not be necessary." I said in a monotone.

"Good, then we agree. Just lay low for a bit and then after the threat has simmered down me, you, Maria, Mateo will all have a party that I have already arranged at your place since its got a bigger frame and the interior is new meaning it would nice in pictures, also you wouldnt mind if we use your garden right? I mean we could do an outdoor and indoor party; it would be a chick magnet for sure. Mateo wouldnt mi-"

"Ruby! Shut up for a second, why do you go off so quickly?" I said catching his attention and snapping him out of his party planning bubble.

"What is this threat that everyone keeps talking about, the Santos?"I ask in curiosity.
Apparently, they run the block which seems a little far-fetched since I havent seen a single gang member since Ive been here but then again, Ive been to the Walmart and petrol station this whole week.

"I mean yeah but..." he mumbled looking down with his hand shuffling his hair.

"But what? Stop being so slow about it." I snap in irritation, my curiosity taking control over my tongue.

"But the leader of the Santos just got out of jail, Spooky."

"That is spooky. What was he charged with?" I ask bringing my elbows to rest on my knees and placing my hand on my hands inching closer to listen carefully.

Rubys eyes lit up as he let out a laugh, taking him out of his worried stance. My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, were laughing now?

"His" another laugh "name is Spooky you fool." Ruby let out as the veins of his neck were sticking out due to how funny my mistake was

"You cant even laugh at me. I mean this guy is obviously crazy, that name is not a gang leader name, no way. Oh my, is he mentally unstable, is he actually crazy?"

"Lets just say he isnt afraid of spilling any blood but I hear hes a good cook. Not a morally good one just a talented one."

"Well I dont think hes that much of a problem regarding my safety or the others" I said referring to Mateo and Maria, "Unless I steal any of his drugs or his bitches" I said with a heavy Mexican accent, acting like a cholo.

"Oh sweetheart."Ruby said shaking his head at my apparently humorless joke.

Well I feel like this Spooky would find it funny.

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