S1 E1: Noctia City

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Noctia City is located deep in a dark woodland location away from the closest human city. And deep within the densely dark woods lay 6 different packs, clans, nests of supernatural creatures that have been blessed by the moon to have very rare gifts and not to just shift into their animal sides neither.

Each pack, clan and nest each have an Alpha and a Luna and they each have a pup, a cub, a kit and a baby, and they will take over with their mate by their sides, but each of the kids of each powerful supernatural family have equally powerful and rare powers gifted to them on their 5th birthday.

But for now, under the light of the full moon, the kids are running free and playing with each other but one, a young baby snake by the name of Sally Acorn, watched her fellow supernaturals out of pure jealousy at how well each of them click together as friends, and she knew, when they are older, they would turn out to be mates. So, that night, she vows, to try and break each mated pair up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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