Chapter 1

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Diane's POV
Howser and I were walking back to the Boar Hat from our date. "I had a nice time, Diane" "So did I, Howser." He gave me a kiss and walked away. I went inside to two certain boys passed out on the floor. What were there names? Got it right, Ban and Meliodas. I walked past them and went to my room. I took a shower, changed, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and went to bed.

Howser's POV
Finally! Diane can be so boring sometimes. I'm only dating her cause she's a hero anyways. Not like I actually love her anyways.

King's POV
Man, if only Diane knew about Howser.... I really want to tell her. She might not believe me anyways... Howser is always going around kissing other girls, getting them pregnant. All of that. What a "loyal" man he is.. You know what! I'm going to tell Diane about him. But I need to have proof tho. I got it! Next time I see Howser kissing another girl I will take a picture! I'm going to go to bed and tomorrow, I will get my proof and tell Diane!

And there is Chapter 1! Just know, I do not hate Howser, infant he is like my 3rd Favourite male Character in this series. I had too many to count so I don't know lol 😂 I hope you enjoy! Have a nice day, afternoon, or night!

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