Bird Box, chapter 1 (BMC AU)

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I AM BACK FROM THE DEAD. and I got a small surprise. Yep. A whole in chapters story. A Bird Box AU but with some bmc and deh characters I personally chose with a friend of mine. So yeah, there's gonna be angst, death, suicides maybe, and hopefully I do not get bored to write it after two days. Skskskskksks let's get started.

Rainy day, any other day it could have meant nothing, maybe a picnic was gonna be postponed, some kids wouldn't be able to go play outside. In our case, we found Michael and Jeremy in the back of their class, going through their phones, since the teacher wasn't really paying attention, they took the best of it.
Recently, in other states though, there has been going on some kind of... something around. As weird as it looked, suicidal rates have started to increase with apparently no reason, and as ridiculous as it sounded, no one really knew why this was happening. As much as both Michael and Jeremy thought this was cool as hell for a videogame plot, it didn't really thrill them in real life.
"People are suiciding for no reason? I am thinking about a conspiracy here" Michael stated, whispering even if actually no one was paying attention to them. Besides the tensing situation, that made Jeremy chuckle. "Suiciding? What kind of word is that? Suiiicidiiing" he repeated it, seeing how it tasted saying it himself, it actually sounded pretty good.
"Clearly you can make up any word you want with english, so yeah, I think our shitty grammar needs this shitty term. Do you think that if I send a formal mail I can get it into the dictionary?" He asked.
"I don't think so Michael" Jeremy replied, chuckling again.
Well, there was really little to be joking about. People in other states were dying, and that definitely wasn't cool. Jeremy looked on instagram some stuff, some people were making memes and black humour about it, and although Jeremy usually enjoyed it, now it really wasn't the case.
"Dude, another reported suicide" Michael mumbled under his breath, sure he was talking to Jeremy, but he said it quietly because he really didn't enjoy talking about it.
Jeremy received a link on messenger, and opened it to see the news. Some cases were reported in New Jersey, and he kinda froze and started reading the article.
A car crash occured, a man in the driver seat lost control of his vehicle, providing an incident that had some wounded and just one death, which was exactly the man who was driving. Seemingly, his state was normal, he wasn't drunk, but the it was reported that it wasn't an accident, and the man drove against the cars to attempt suicide, and well, he succeeded.

"What the fuck..." Jeremy sighed, when the article finished, he looked at the pictures of the cars crashed. Michael looked as worried as he felt inside, it was concerning. "The strange thing..." Michael started. "Is that this man was neither depressed or had any mental illnesses, he had just finished university, had a girlfriend, man I...this is terrifying, why is this happening?" he asked. It was a rhetorical question, but Jeremy wished he could answer. A lightning stroke to the thunderstorm, and Michael jumped scared. Damn the tension was really starting to be felt.
"Michael calm down, everything's good" Jeremy said, trying to sooth his shaky friend who was currently thinking the worse.
All the kids in the class knew, the channels news on TV talked about it, internet was invaded by these information, but no one really thought it was gonna happen something here, just Michael had this terror, and thinking it through, Jeremy had as well.
He turned to the window, looking at the storm approaching, and this time, those rare times, Michael wasn't in the mood to talk.
That was ok, but some talking about anything but that would be kindly appreciated by an anxious Jeremy Heere right now.
"Listen, can I walk you home once we are done here?"
Michael asked, and Jeremy looked a bit confused at that. "Why?" He replied, not sure of why he wanted to walk him home.
"Just, y'know, to make sure yaaa....get home safely?" He answered, smiling nervously, and the tone he said it with looked like a question. He wanted to answer seriously, but he laughed quietly. "Oh my god, my bff is scared I am gonna die through my fifteen minutes walk from school to home?" He chuckled, and Michael narrowed his eyebrows annoyed.
"Hey man, I am just showing worry here, you don't know what can happen, and I don't want ya to die before you give me back the five dollars you borrowed from me trying go get that yoshi plushie from the machines" He crossed his arms, throwing him a cocky smirk. Jeremy gasped fakely. "Hey! That plushie was very tall, it was pure 20 centimeters, try to find me another one!" he protested. "My dick is 20 centimeters, at your service" he winked jokingly, and Jeremy punched lightly his shoulder. "You are a dumbass" he said, and both of them laughed. At least it was back a nice funny atmosphere, the usual between them, the one they craved right now after all the shit that was going on.

Then suddenly, the school alarm rang loud, echoing through every class.

THERE  IT IS THE FIRST CHAPTER. For those of you who don't know, Bird Box is an apocalyptive movie where there are invisible creatures going around, and once you glance at them, you have this strong desire to kill yourself. And you do. In the movie the survivors go around with blindfolds indeed, so yeah it's gonna be pretty interesting, enjoy >:3

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