Behind The Scenes of The Akatsuki

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I woke up in the underground hideout, on a bad mood. I groaned and looked over to the right of the bedroom. Both feet off the bed, and arm hanging off also, and one hand on his side lay Hidan on the bunk bed across from me. He opened his mouth and snored as loud as he could and rolled over muttering something about Jashin, the god he believed in. I picked up the pillow and threw it as hard as I could in his direction. It hit him directly in the face.

"Arg-Aahh!" he sqwuaked. He sat bolt right up, forgetting about the bunk above and hit his fat head.

"I-yeeee!" he sqwuaked again and this time fell off the bed. I pressed my lips into a thin line, 'Score one for the artist!' I thought proudly. I couldn't keep myself from grinning. Hidan looked in my direction, and groaned, "What the fuck did you do that for?!" he yelled at me.

"Well maybe you shouldn't snore so loud!" I yelled back.

"Haha your getting in trouble!" Tobi said sing-songishly.

"Quite acting like a child, and I thought I told you to be cool" I snapped at him. He instantly recoiled away and back onto his top bunk which unfortunantely was above mine. I stood tall and crossed my arms, "You apart of the Akatsuki now, you have to be cool" I told him. Suddenly the door to our bedroom slammed open and in entered a very angry looking Kakuzu. The momment I saw him enter I put my hand to my mouth to keep from laughing.

"It would be so kind of you to shut up" he growled, "and what's so funny?" Kakazu demaned to know. 

"Er-hem... Very manly boxers" I snickered. Kakazu looked dwon at himself, he was wearing hello-fish boers. 

"I'm Kisame would find them very attractive" Tobi laughed. Hidan and I responded in a laughing fit. Kakazu on the other hand was looking pissed off. I mean genuinely pissed. He walked out grumbling and swearing under his breathe.

"Mmmmm.... keep it down" mummbered a sleepy voice. I looked back at the bunk above Hidan's bed. Itatchi rolled over mummbling something. Even though neither one can really die, we found it best to keep Hidan and Kakazu in seperate rooms in order to keep them from hurting each other. Slowly I got up, stretched and strolled into the kitchen. I glanced at the stack of dishes in the sink and groaned.

"Kisame?" I called. No answer. 

"KISAME!" I yelled. The door to the bathroom opened and Kisame stuck his head out. His dark hair was foamed up with soap.

"Ugh never mind, go back to the water fishy" I said shooing him away.

"Shut up Deidera" he muttered and closed the door. I scrubbed the dishes and poured myself a bowl of ceral. This was life as an Akatsuki, well when we weren't bagging up the tailed beast. Soon Itachi had woken up and was playing a game of shogi with Sasori. I starred mommentarily at Sasori. He always wore some kind of puppey on his back, but wasn't wearing it now. I kinda wanted to know what his true identity was. Everyone here had their own secret, we all new that. After clearing the dishes I reached into my pouch and pulled out a wad of white, sticky clay.

"Art, my art, is magnificent" I muttered as I began molding it into a large-winged bird. I worked on that for a while. The door to the hide-out opened and Zetsu entered.

"Back with more food" said the black side of him. Zetsu is, well a slit person. Half of him is black, and his eye on that side is completely yellow, and the other side is white and that sides eye looks normal and the iris is yellow. Even the two sides of him have different personalities. He bagan setting the paper bags down on the counter in front of me, but I payed no attention. Zetsu was pulling out what ever he'd brought, and was putting it in the kitchen. Every time he turned his back Tobi would jump up and start poking around the bags. It was kind of amusung, but really childish. Finaly Zetsu turned around as Tobi was poking through it.

"Tobi! Get out of that!" Yelled Black-Zetsu, he was really angry at him. 

"Relax, we all know how much he loves chocolate" White-Zetsu said with a calm tone. As you can tell the black side is more serious, and the other side is calmer. I agree with Black-Zetsu. Tobi really shouldn't have chocolate... Not a good thing when Tobi gets his sticky fingers on some chocolate... I'll save that story for another time.

Tobi whirled around and yelped. 

"I've been caught!" he exclaimed, "Escape!" he said. Being as stupid as Tobi could be he jumped over the counter, and at the same time he knocked over me claw sculture.

"Tobi you fool!" Itashi and Kakazu yelled. 

"Ahhh!" Tobi cried. There was a flash and a black cloak whirled by. Tobi rolled and sat up dizzy. I let out a long, relieved sigh.

"Nice work Itatchi" I thanked him. He carefully put the clay sculture down. You see my work, my art is made of clay. Art isn't just art, it's also an explosion! I'm sure you get what I'm saying, my art is made of explosive clay. 

"Sorry Deidera" Tobi apologized rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"ugh, Tobi. And to think I thought you were starting to be cool you screw up" I muttered. Tobi sighed in defeat. This was part of our life in being apart of the Akatsuki.

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