chapter one - crawled up just like a baby

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Lizs POV

"Ight pass me a $50 en your good" I said to the guy in front of me. He needed some pills for some reason idek why, he does not look like he takes pills but oh well its not my problem. Passed me the 50 and walked away.
I went into my car and decided to head home since it was getting dark. I drove through an ally because its a shortcut to my house, I suddenly see a group of girls in a circle and looks like they were beating someone up. Then I quickly got out of my car and ran up from behind them and grabed one of the girls by there hair a dragged them to the ground and lucky the other girls did not notice cuz they were busy with the poor girl on the floor. I grabbed the bitch and threw a few punces and stomped on her head cupple times till she was to week to do anything else. Then I grabbed to other girls at once and started beating them up until they noticed who I was.   "omg, Liz I'm so sorry pls don't hurt us, we didn't know u knew her I'm so sorry pls don't do anything to us" I didn't even know the girls but they know me for some reason. A lot of people know me. Idek why there scared of me. "Get the fuck out of here  and dont you dare to touch her again" they took off running then I bent down on my knees and grabbed the girl to see her face. "Omg baby are u Ok I'm so sorry those girls are so fucking stupid" she didn't say anything just cried and cried all of it out into my arms. I felt so bad. "Hunny what's your name?" I asked, She pulled away from my arms and said "Billie" aw even her name was adorable. Her clothing was very different but in a good way, it was baggy but lots of chains and she was pretty fine I can't lie she's hot AF. " I'm Liz and I promise u it will be OK, fuck your bleeding to much" I took off my hoddie and my shirt underneath that so she can use my tee shirt, but it left me with only my bra but I didn't care at this point. I took the shirt and roled it so it can get smaller and then I started to clean off the blood on her face then held it on her nose so she does not lose to much blood. Then she passed out. I started to panic because I can't take her to the hospital because I'm wanted from the cops and if I go they will ask me who I am and NO CANT DO SIR. I quickly grabbed Billie and put her in the passenger seat in the back so she can lay down. I drove off to my house and thank god I don't live with my parents anymore because they would probably think I killed this poor girl, but nah I'm tyna help this bitch out. I got out of the car and realized I forgot my hoddie but oh well. I took Billie in my arms and carried her upstairs to my room at layed her on my bed. I went to my closet and grabbed a big LV shirt and Gucci sweat pants. I had to change her clothes cuz it was bloody AF and it would go on my bed. And I also want her to wake up clean and not feel like shit. I sat next to her on the bed and took off her biggg ass hoddie that looked like it was 8x bigger then her  took off her under shirt and cleand up the blood stains with a wet cloth and put on the shirt And pants I gave her then tucked her in with my blanket then gave her a kiss on the forehead. I went next to her on the left side of the bed and slept next to her. hopefully she won't be scared when she wakes up.

Ahahhaha this is a true story BTW and also my name is Malika and hope u enjoy this.  Next part coming soon.

  Billie Eilish       Dont u dare to touch her.   Where stories live. Discover now