Chapter 1

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- reader's First person POV -

Nothing really surprises me anymore. Nowadays everybody has their inner demons and I'm the one who's supposed to tame them. That's the role of a psychologist basically. Social anxiety and depression are the most common 'demons' that people come in to me with. I do the same thing honestly- diagnose, prescribe medicine and give homework. If you've ever been to a psychologist, you would know what I'm talking about. It is troublesome but if you want to work on yourself then you have to commit. I mean how hard is it to keep an automatic thought journal and bring it on our next session? I feel like some people just go to a psychologist to get diagnosed to brag about it on social media. Of course, there are some legit patients who actually try to improve, and it makes my heart soft to see them beat their 'demons' one outta time. Its why I became a psychologist in the first place. I know how hard it is to deal with social anxiety and depression and that's why I want to help other people to overcome it just like another psychologist helped me. Well, that and because I could either be that or a policeman. My quirk – 'demon catcher' lets me read people's emotions and desires. I simply need to ask the person "what is it that you truly desire?". Nah just kidding I'm not Lucifer. I'm basically a human lie detector- I can sense when people are lying. The drawback of my quirk is that I have to make eye contact with the target and they must be speaking directly to me. Thus, I can't know if someone was lying if a patient for example asks me "hey so Kokichi from danganronpa said this and that was he lying or not??". You get the gist. My quirk is helpful since it makes the work with my patients much easier and it's also the reason why I don't have many friends. The less you know the better. I swear girls can be so mean and fake sometimes! And don't get me started how I discovered my quirk... thanks to it I found out Santa isn't real. Bye bye my childhood. When I got older it didn't get any better, I just found out that lying is all people ever do- and those pro heroes everyone is so head over hills about? They only lie too. I want peace. I want to save you. I'm not scared. It's all just full of bullshit. They're all full of it. Villains are at least honest- I want to kill you. I will steal. I will hurt you. You suck. But they're not honest to themselves. They're just broken dolls trying to fit in to society, lying to themselves to survive. People try to eradicate them because they're abnormal, different, don't fit to then norms of society. Option 2 is to fix them because they're abnormal, but you should only do that if their abnormality affects their lives- like depression for example. But villains are not abnormal, a lot of people rob or kill, and it doesn't affect them much. Why should you imprison them? Why should you do that if they're completely fine the way they are? Well that's how it is.  Society wouldn't be able to function without rules and morals anyway.

-normal POV-

It was 7 in the afternoon and you have just finished your job. Another fake patient came in today- all you had to do is diagnose his fake symptoms. His face though when you didn't diagnose him with anything even though he told you all the typical symptoms of depression. Too bad mate I can tell you're lying about your so-called symptoms. Not going to get a paid leave for your job too bad. But then again Eddy- your other patient did a great job with his homework though. After weeks of therapy some of his negative automatic thoughts turned positive and he longer thinks someone's mocking him every time he holds a conversation with someone. You feel proud as a psychologist even though it was all him, you're just telling him what to do he does all the work himself. That dedication of his is applaudable. Wish some heroes could be as dedicated as Eddy. Speak of the devil. You walk past a tele beam of number one hero Endeavour. It says "new symbol of peace is here. Endeavour – number one pro hero! From zero to hero!". What a sack of bullshit you think. You don't need your quirk to know that these phrases are a bunch of lies. Well, it wouldn't work that way anyway. You see a couple looking at the poster praising it. You walk up to them and say:

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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