Chapter 1: College life begin!

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Matthew looked around a bit nervously, searching for anyone who could help him. He kept getting ignored by the borrowers walking around him, rushing up to a billboard. Maybe that's where he should go, he assumed. He waited patiently as everyone looked at the billboard and made exclaims of surprise.
"Alfred this year, huh Lovino? I'd hate to see who got paired with those three then." Matthew's head whipped towards the voice, recognizing his brother's name. But who was Lovino? "Oh, shut the fuck up. They can handle whoever they get roomed with." "Yea, they certainly handled you well. Remember last year's little incid-" Matthew, taller than the average borrower, was able to look up towards the front- quick enough to see someone get hit with a pair of crutches. He winced, looking to who had them. "It wasn't their fault that happened. Look to those stupid jackasses you call friends- oh wait, they're serving time for attempted murder." "An attempted murder that would have been successful had you not been such a pain in the ass." Matthew's eyes widened. They had to have been talking about that attempted murder when a predator at the school ate a borrower with the intention to kill them. The borrower escaped because their roommates came to save them. But nobody had heard from that borrower in a long time. But the way this "Lovino" was talking, was he the victim? It looked like it, he had strange scars scattered on his arms and face. He was using crutches as well, which told him his legs were damaged too. "Just go find your roommate and fuck off." He glared at the other borrower, who raised his hands up and walked off. "Ugh." He rolled his eyes, turning back to the board. Matthew was still processing what was going on when suddenly Lovino's head raised up towards the crowd. "Matthew Williams?" He yelled out, moving towards the edge of the crowd and closer to where the borrowers were getting picked up by their roommates. Matthew followed him, unsure of what was going to happen.
Lovino didn't go too far, just far enough that the crowd couldn't hear him anymore. "Are you Matthew?" Matthew nodded, unable to keep eye contact with him already seeming mad. "I'm Lovino, I was roommates with your current roommates last year." "Its nice to meet you." Matthew said. Lovino nodded, then a smirk came to his face. "Man, you are too weak." "What?" Matthew was taken aback. "Your roommates are predators. If you don't wanna get stored constantly, you're gonna need to get a backbone." Matthew's eyes widened. "They're going to store me without permission?" He was alarmed by this. "Only Gilbert. He doesn't ask. The other two do, but if you don't say no, they will take it as a yes." Matthew fidgeted slightly, unsure how to handle this information. It was different with Alfred, Alfred knew when Matthew couldn't handle it. He couldn't just stand up to a stranger, let alone a predator! "I wouldn't worry so much, I'm right next door actually. The borrower dorms are put together so technically speaking we're roommates." Lovino shrugged. "Now come on, I gotta find whoever 'Alfred' is." "My brother." Matthew offered weakly, still overwhelmed. So he was roommates with this borrower, but roommates with these predators too? "Your brother? Huh. I can kinda see the resemblance. That's gotta suck though, I can't imagine staying here if my brother went here." Matthew nodded. "I tend to get shadowed a lot…" "So do I." Lovino walked off after he said that, leaving Matthew to chase after him while he processed what the other said.
"Your brother goes here too?" "No, thank god. The idiot wouldn't last a day here." They were now standing on a balcony, overlooking the hallways towards the dorms. "Anyway, can you text your brother and tell him to meet us, then? I'm not moving more than necessary." Matthew nodded, though he was still curious. Was this short-tempered student really the victim of that incident? He seemed too feisty, though that may be why he's still alive. Matthew shuddered.
He heard about it from Alfred, who tried to prepare him for this year when he would be a freshman. He could still hear his brother's voice echoing in his mind.
"If you come across any danger, I won't be far. Heroes like me have to be there for you guys!"
He smiled at the thought. No, after he met up with his roommates he wouldn't be leaving Alfred's side for the semester. Or the year. He couldn't risk it.

Matthew: Alfred, can you come to the hallway where roommates are being picked up? Your roommate has crutches and said he isn't moving anymore.

Alfred: Cool, you met up with my roomie? Lovino, right? I've been hearing about him from your roommates this year. We're on our way!

Matthew smiled and looked up. "They're on their way. Alfred ran into my roommates." "Alright." Lovino said, looking over the railing for the four to arrive.
He grew irritated by the stare he could feel on his back. "If you want to say something, say it." Matthew flinched. Now the borrower was angry with him!? "Oh, I'm sorry. I just.." "You want to know why I'm like this, right?" Lovino moved so the two were looking eye to eye. Well, as much as they could. Lovino was pretty short by borrower standards, and Matthew was also pretty tall by borrower standards. It was kind of a funny dynamic that he tried not to laugh about. "Yes.. I heard there was an incident last year with a predator trying to kill a borrower." "That was me. I pissed him off too much. Though he had no right saying the crap he was, about how borrowers had no right to be anything but food and how we should go back into the walls and stay there." Matthew cringed. "He had that train of thought.." "Yea. It got on my fucking nerves so I told him to stop spreading that shit around. He didn't listen, and decided to 'remove the problem'." He looked back down at the people walking by. "And, your roommates saved you, right? That's what Alfred told me.." "They're not bad people. They're just annoying as hell and difficult to get along with at first if you aren't like them. Like Gilbert." "Right, the one who doesn't ask permission..?" "Yea. We hated each other. We started getting along after we realized that we lived on the same street and that our brothers started dating after we came here. That, and I finally got fed up with his storing bullshit and called him out on it." Matthew nodded. So, be assertive with Gilbert and maybe he will back off.. "Antonio I didn't really have a problem with other than the fact that he's cheerful all the time. I still don't understand him.." Lovino shook his head. "You won't have any problems out of him. He'll leave you alone if you want to be alone, and he'll ask before he does anything." "Right. And the last one?" Matthew couldn't remember the names of his roommates, though he was going to meet them soon. Honestly, although he was kinda rude and swore quite a lot, he was grateful that the Italian was giving him a rundown of his roommates. At least he knows to be prepared now. "Francis. He also won't do anything without permission, but he's a little hands on. The problem I had with him was the fact that he would try and bring people in from the parties." Matthew felt his face getting hot at the implications. So Francis would try and hook up with people in the dorm room? While everyone else was there? Lovino had a smirk at the embarrassed Canadian's face. "He eventually stops. Classes come first and all." Matthew nodded, then looked down at his phone to see if he had any messages.
He had quite a few. Alfred's going to be mad.

Alfred: Alright Mattie, we're here. Which section are you at?
Alfred: Mattie?
Alfred: Matthew?
Alfred: Answer your phone
Alfred: Come on
Alfred: Matt
Alfred: Mattie

Matthew: I'm sorry, I've been talking to Lovino.

Alfred: It's cool, turn on your ringer next time. You almost gave me a heart attack!
Alfred: I think I see you two, hang on.

I did say I was writing a sequel...
Idk, this is a fun concept for me that I've been toying around with a while. 
The whole "predator as a roommate" thing.

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