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CHAPTER fourteen

Putting the Clothes On

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•innocnet until proven•

"We were just talking, talking shit, whatever."

A train wreak of a boy sat on the stand. Harry was dressed in a blue sthirt that button up about halfway. He looked like shit. He rarely every looked up and made eye contact with his quetioner, he simply stared at the ground.

"He basically just came out and said it, that he killed her."

"You fucking asshole!" Dewey said as he stood up and pushed the chair back from behind him.

Jason grabbed Dewey's shoulder to stop him from attacking Harry. Grizz moved up the aisle a little bit, in preparation to remove Dewey. Bleu shook her head to tell Grizz that was okay, for now.

"Dewey, sit down, or The Guard will remove you." Bleu threatened the boy.

Jason pushed Dewey back into his seat and Helena whispered 'stop' in his ear. Dewey pulled his shoulder away from Jason's hand and glared at Bleu.

"You were saying?" Gordie said hesitantly.

"He had this creepy smile like he was proud of himself." Harry continued.

"So he confessed?" Gordie asked.

"Basically, yeah" Harry responded.

The crowd, once again, began to whisper and chatter at the news of Dewey's confession. Gordie faced the crowd then looked at Helena and sat back down. Helena folded her arms and confronted Harry.

"Basically?" Helena asked.

"Mmh." Harry said looking up.

"Were those his exact words? 'I killed her.'"

Dewey leaned forward in his chair as he anticipating the answer. Harry stuttered.

"No, not his exact words, but that's what he fucking meant."

"Why?" Helena said as she looked between the two boys. "Why would he say that to you? Why would he confess to you?"

Harry looked down and got quiet again. he struggled for words.

"He thought it would make me happy."

Bleu knitted her eyebrows. Why didn't he say this to her when she asked? The crowd reacted again, gasps filled the air. Bleu just looked at Harry in disappointment. Harry looked over at her knowing what she was thinking.

"Make you happy?" Helena said in disbelief. "That Cassandra was dead? Why would he think that?"

"I don't know." Harry scoffed as Dewey clenched his fists. "I guess cause he thought we were rivals in high school."

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