Bygone Agony

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(Multiple Flashback)

"BLOOD... Fresh blood! Tsk! Tsk!"

The creature growled boisterously, as he chased his prey that callous hours of darkness. The blue full moon shown up and bats sounded harried hovering under the night sky.

"Another sufferer! Go run! Run for your life!", he laughed hard and hopped to his target.

But his victim kept on running, trying her best to escape. But she slipped her foot and collapsed. The creature came nearer and nearer and nearer. She attempted to move but she can't for he was too close that she can feel the breath upon her neck. In her weary keen perception, the victim noticed his gory bloodthirsty eyes, did nothing and just kept her eyes shut as tears plummeted.

"Such a frail mortal." He giggled as fangs appeared, aiming to savour the victim's freshness.

Everything went blurry and all that can be heard was her awful scream. The scene, then, moved to a little girl, terrified watching the scene. She was crying and confused on what was going on, seemed like she has no idea.

It was another night of the same dream. Too weird, very weird for an ordinary person to dream on. Dream? Scratch that! It's was definitely not a dream, not even a reverie but a nightmare, a terrifying frightening nightmare. How could one ever be that in this life will do not encounter nor meet such kind of... of creature, whatever you call it.

But the question is whenever having this sort of dream is that why the creature's physique can't be visualized? It was only his forceful form and shining sharp fangs. His laugh was very terrifying, probably a voice of the scorching underworld. It always makes this dreamer have chills. Maybe it was a vampire, but disregarded the thought. It was just a pathetic dream, nothing to be feared of. It won't ever happen in the reality.

The clock ticked 6 am. After just less than an hour of rest, here she went again, being disturbed by that same frightening nightmare. She has been dreaming of it for three days but she has no idea why. Probably, it is because she used to watch horror movies since she is a literary fiction writer of their campus paper. But the dream seemed to be so true, as if it really happened to her.

"Goosebumps again! Argh!", she sighed.

She jumped off her bed and got ready to school. Still sleepy, she can't move quickly so...

"I'm late!" She ran down stairs as fast as she can.

"Ynah, hija, let's eat." A woman around 40s told her.

"No need, Inang. I really have to go. It's only 10 minutes before 7."

"But bring this." Her mother gave her a pack, her baon.

"Thanks, Inang. Bye!"

"Vampires are supernatural creatures who commonly drink human blood by sucking it in their victim's neck using their sharp fangs." The book says.

Sitting in front of thick piles of books of supernatural beings in the library; she makes herself busy, absorbing facts about these creatures. Curiosity kills her. Good thing it was her vacant period so she has more time to read and learn about it. Besides, she has to again create a story for their monthly folio.

"Literature again?", a man of her age came and sits in front of her.

"Oh, hi Jake. Yeah. I have to have another story before weekends."

"I see." He removed her glasses. "It seems like you have been lacking sleep. You should not do that to yourself. You're like a zombie now." He laughed a little. "Take a nap."

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