A/n: Before I start I would like to thank you for reading, if you came from my other book this is much less humorous but there will be a punching bag character that will just losen up tension, without futher ado, the book 'Know each other' or Keo.
This ended up being very humorous nvm
Ella POV:

I loved him with all my heart. This wasn't even a question.

"Of course I'll marry you" I respond trying not to cry, I worked very hard on my makeup and I'll be damned if I ruin it.

But knowing that we have our whole lives to look forward to, jobs, house, kids, bailing kids out of jail, grandchildren , bailing grandchildren out of jail, that just gets me emotional.

"Oh thank god, I don't want you to say no and have to do this all over again later" Blake replies. I give him a look and he responds "This shit wasn't cheap, hell the bouquet alone was 20 bucks,"

Well done it is a very expensive restaurant... What an idiot.

"I can't wait" I go on my tippy toes, being the shorty I am, and give him a kiss on the cheek. Suddenly I'm up in the air "Now who's a shorty,? Also put me down being tall sucks," "Not till I get a kiss" he demands.


"But I-" I get cut off "A real one,"

"It-" he cuts me off again "On the lips"
I pretend to be appalled by the idea like my mother would be, before leaning down- "Is this man bothering you?" a random cutie asks, he has light brown hair that falls in his brown eyes, I try not to probe too much because thats creepy af.

I let out a giggle "Yes take him away" Wait that came out as girly. GASP! He mocks offense "Would you do that to your fiancée?" Well thats easy, "Yes"  and he starts tickling me. "Hey!" I manage to get out, its not easy to speak when you're giggling and kicking.

"Uh...." Oh its cutie, from earlier. Thats his name cutie. Yeah I forgot about him... Who is he again. He realizes what he walked into and all but sprinted off.

"Wonder what that was about..." I question as I fall back into my previous romantic state.


I clearly wasn't ready for this, my quiver said is all, but as we entered the house I felt strangely empowered, fearless if you will. My parents greeted us and we all sat down.

"So whats this about?" my mom immediately questions. Jeez woman calm down a bit, would ya?

"Straight to the point" Blake says trying to fist bump my mother. She looks at it like the fist asked her to convert to atheism.  HahHhhhHahjahahahahaahhaa-

My mom is one weird chick.

I don't know how to respond so I just lift up my hand with the ring on it.

Its actually quite a beautiful ring, a simple heart shaped ruby in the middle and a plain thin, silver band. I love it so much.

"A promise ring!" my mom screeches.
What the fuck is that?

"No, we're getting married woman" I throw my hands in the air exasperated. I'm not usually this forward but Blake is here I feel braver and more confident. Also I lose a bit of manners when it comes to my parents.

Oh well.

"No! As my daughter you will not marry this" She looks him up and down "Filty lowlife,"

"I thought he was a fling, but you're too stupid to realize whats good for you!", she wrongly proclaimed.

"Listen, you have no right to judge him! I love him goddammit! I'm stupid? Well at least I'm not the one losing a daughter, from this day forward we are not family! Family accepts each other for who they are and who they love!" She grabs the chancla.

"Run" I whisper to Blake as we scramble away from the house, trying not to get hit.

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