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My second original story, I'm hoping it goes better than the first. Written in first person and any POV changes will be stated beforehand. The picture at the top or side, whatever platform you're reading this on, is of Alexis.
Hi, I'm Alexis. A sophomore in college, learning to improve my writing skills so I can write to the best of my ability and publish books. I'm 20 years old and usually a pretty shy person. I never had many friends in high school because of it. Most of the time I was teased and made fun of for my nerdy appearance and the fact that all I did was read. Even now a lot of my time is spent reading unless I was doing school work. In fact, right now I was sitting in my dorm room that I shared with my sister, reading a book. I could get lost in any book I read. Everything just comes to life in my mind for me. My creativity and imagination just goes wild and I'll sit back and read for hours. If it wasn't for Savannah, my sister, I would miss a majority of my classes due to the fact that I just get so into my books. In high school I wore glasses, the black square shaped frames kind of glasses. That was also something I got made fun of for so once I started college I got into wearing contacts. I used to always keep my hair straightened and parted to one side, I even shaved it on the side I never parted it to once but that made the teasing worse and I immediately let it grow out again. Now I just wear it in dreads and I dyed it to a darker color than the pink highlights I had in high school. There's not much about me that's interesting for me to tell you to be honest. I'm only now starting to actually make friends so all the interesting stuff about me you'd want to hear is just beginning. Unless you want to hear about how I made a fool of myself in front of my crush in high school. I was reading a book, as usual, while walking to class. Of course I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and bumped right into her. She didn't seem to mind, which shocked me because she was the head cheerleader at the school and the other cheerleaders were always making fun of me, and she even helped me pick up the things that had fallen out of my bag when it fell off my shoulder in the collision. Even though she was really nice about it, it was still really embarrassing to have happen. I avoided her a lot after that which was kinda easy because when I was a sophomore she was a senior and graduated at the end of that year. I look up as I hear the door to my dorm room opening and I notice Savannah walking in.  "Hey sis, daydreaming again?" She asks me causing me to roll my eyes at her.

"No Savannah. I was reading. As usual. Do you need something?" Even though it was her dorm room too she really didn't hang out here often. Usually she was hanging out with our brother Kayden or with her own crush, whoever that may be, she wouldn't tell me.

She shakes her head, her long straight and blonde hair shaking too a bit and I notice her pull it around to rest on her shoulder. She was a slim girl, not much meat on her bones though she was relatively strong. She was studying to become a paramedic, she'd had a weird fascination with driving an ambulance since we were younger, and she was in her last year of college. I was proud of her, after college she'll be able to go on to do what she's been wanting to for as long as I can remember. In high school she wasn't really the most popular but she wasn't on the level that I had been. She hasn't had a problem with bullying as far as I know so when college came for her she didn't really feel the need to change anything about herself like I did. "Nope. I just wanted to see how my little sister is feeling about her first day of sophomore year at college." She sits on my bed and I huff as I glare at her halfheartedly.

"It's fine." I shrug and close my book after bookmarking it. "I mean it's not that much different from freshman year to be honest." I mumble as the door opens again and Kayden bursts in and slams it behind him. I groan and roll my eyes at him.  "Now what is it Kayden?" I mumble crossing my arms.

He frowns and looks to me. "What? I can't just visit my baby sister." He comes over and tries to ruffle my hair but doesn't really succeed like he could when I was younger since I had dreads now. "You know sis. You should've kept your hair how it was." He says looking at my hair with a fake distasteful look. I knew he actually liked it, when I first did it he told me that it actually looked good and it fit me well.

College Life, As Told By Alexis Montgomery Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora