Why me

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Elizabeth's POV

I was walking home. But when I got there I wish I didn't. There was the fireman putting out the fire that was in my house. I gasped as tears streamed down my face. "Sorry.ma'mm but your parents died in the fire" a police man walked up to me. Thats when I ran. I ran till I couldn't run anymore. Thats when I bumped into someone and fell on top of them. I was struck by brownish; hayzel eyes. "Oh my I am so sorry I didn't mean too" I said to the unknown person and climbed off of him and helped him up. When I touched his hand I felt something but I didn't know what it is. "It's okay honest" The man said as I looked up too him. He had a white beanie on his head ; basketball shorts ; and a black and white cali shirt on; and very attractive. "Taylor Caniff" the man said. "Elizabeth but call me Lizzie" I said. Thats when the thought of my parents being dead whent into my head as tears swelled up in my eyes. I guess taylor saw cause he pulled me into a big hug. "Why are you crying?" Taylor asked me. And I told him him everything. Wow I'm telling a person I just met and I'm telling him everything. Nice going Lizzie. "Oh I'm sorry that happened to you Lizzie I really am" Taylor said looking down at me.  "It's not your fault Taylor it just happened" I said. "How about you live with me?" He asked. And I smiled. I can tell we're going to be good friends.

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