Welcome to Hell.

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It was 10 A.M and Eve's alarm clock went off. She yawned and slid out of bed. Rubbing at her eyes she switched out of her pajamas and put on a purple dress with a yellow ribbon around the middle. It was fancy for where she was going but it was her favorite. (And only) outfit. Heading out to the kitchen to grab something to eat she found a note on the table.

'Out at Cal's' - Micheal.

Eve took a mental note of the note and poured herself some cereal. She sat alone in the kitchen and ate it, Not wondering where her Uncle was or anything. She just wanted to eat cereal.  After finishing she put the bowl in the sink and looked out the window to the driveway. 'Weird.' Eve thought, 'His cars still here.' She shrugged and guess he walked to work or a co worker drove him. Slipping on her shoes she head out the front door off to Freddy's ,it was only down the street. Heading in the front door she spotted her friend Danielle. Danielle was one of the few people who really understood what goes on here. 

"Hey Dani." Eve greeted her. 

"Hey, your just in time for the show." A grin appeared on her face.. It was a big shit eating grin. like a grin that could swallow the world..

"Show? what show-" Before Eve could finish her sentence a loud scream was heard followed by a man running out of the back room. The man wore all purple and looked both mad and scared out of his wits. 

"GOD DAMMIT STEVE. IM NOT PUTTING UP WITH THIS BULL SHIT TODAY," The man was a heavy curser and with all the shit wrong in his life, you couldn't blame him.  Another man came out from where the first one was, He was taller than the other male and wore an old guards uniform and had a phone for a head.

"Pleeeeaseeeeeeee, your hooooottttt and im thorrrstyyyy" The man pleaded. before the other man smacked him in the phone.

"NO. STEVE.NO.RAPPING.ME.AT.WORK.AGAIN.THIS.IS.THE.12TH.TIME." The phone headed man let out a wine but gave up and headed back down to the office to try his luck again later.. No one knows why Steve loves the man but he doesn't let any one else touch him. The other male sighed before running a hand through his hair. He looked over to where Eve and Dani where and gave a wave before walking in the back room probably to fix something. 

Eve looked at Dani and burst out laughing. "PFFFTTT, THAT WAS GREAT!" they laughed at what had happened.

Dani Smirked. "How come Will puts up with this stuff??" She questioned.

Eve thought for a moment. "I don't know.." She paused. "I guess Uncle Will is just used to it by now." Dani nodded before looking down the right hall.

"Well I'm gonna check on Minecraft Steve" Dani got up and walked down the right hall leaving Eve alone.

"So this Is My Life Huh?" Eve pondered Before smiling. Sure Her life was Chaotic, But she loved it to death.

=== Meanwhile ===

A Man In a lab coat stood by a machine with an angered expression. He couldn't get the results he wanted while his lab rat wasn't there. He looked at it lost in thought.  

"H_-Hey He-Nry YoU good?"  The glitchy voice snapped Henry from his thoughts, But he didn't turn to face the voice.

"Not now Chuck I'm Busy," Chuck let out a high pitched sigh that was mostly covered by static. Causing Henry to turn around to face the Phone headed man. 

"Fine, come here, and let me look at that voice box of yours.."


It was a face off to the death, 3 kids, 1 bullet in the gun. The girl in the group spun the barrel and put it to her temple and hit the trigger.


Nothing. She grinned before passing the Gun to the boy in a Blue shirt next to her. He gulped and put the gun to his head and Shot. 


Nothing, The last male looked nervous, He fixed his purple sweatshirt before picking up the gun and putting it to his head, He pulled the triggered and the shot rang around the room. 'Dam' He thought.

"HA MIKE LOST!" The kid in the Blue shirt said before taking the Nerf gun back from Micheal.

"Yea, Yea, Yuck it up Calvin." He giggled before picking up the foam bullet.

"Just a Game Cal," The girl looked to her brother Cal before shoving her black hair back in a Pony tale. "So how is Ev doing?"

Micheal responded pretty bland "Fine,"

"Her rooms being updated By Dad and Uncle J," Cal added while putting the nerf gun away.

"Do you really think its a good Idea to let your dad watch another kid, after Eliza.." after the girl had said this the room went quite, no one wants to bring this up to Micheal, It was his dead sister after all. Killed by an animatronic at the age of 5...

"Dude not cool Alice" Calvin hissed at his sister.

"Sorry" Alice rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

Micheal rolled his eyes. "Its fine Cal..." 


Sure there lives where all hell, But it was their hell...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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