Im Fun [enoch x reader]

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Alright background: basically the whole gang's been in America for about a year,, you are Jacobs twin brother,, enoch and you are best friends. Also

you, jacob, emma, and enoch are seniors in high school

Millard is a junior

Hugh and Fiona are sophomores,

Obviously the younger kids aren't in high school kabdkabsja

Oh and: the most popular guy at school is throwing a party.


             "Are you sure we're even invited?" Millard whined. Enoch grumbled in agreement with his arms crossed and his nose turned down. Jacob came to my defense.

             "It's just a house party, no one isn't invited" I held my hand out, gesturing toward Jacob in support.

             "But- I mean-" Millard sighed heavily. "What do you think Emma?" She looked up from her lap. I smirked, knowing Emma, she is totally going to support my peculiar party crashing plan.
"Well, we never get out, you guys! Come on! It's either an adventure or a tragedy in the works but we will never know unless we go." Even Enoch seemed ever so slightly swayed by her very convincing voice. "Besides, Enoch, this is your first and last year of high school. You can't go the whole time without going to a single party." He scoffed.

             "Oh I've been to a party!" He defended himself. I laughed at his wounded ego and knitted eyebrows.

             "Claire's last birthday does not count" I added. He scoffed in response.

"It will be a cold day in hell before I, Enoch O'Connor, go to a party."


             Enoch stared at the drunken teenagers littering Alec Goulart's yard with such disgust that I thought he was going to pop a vein. Jacob parked on the side of the street and offered to be designated driver since I "never get out anymore" whatever that means. I think he just knew I was going to drink anyways. I'm not necessarily an outgoing person, but I love parties. Something about the cesspool of teenage stupidity and alcohol gave me an overwhelming confidence. Plus I hadn't been with a boy since Justin Trachloe, which was 4 years ago, back before I ever knew I was peculiar. My peculiarity made parties especially fun. Irresistibility. I was a succubus of sorts, whenever someone looked at me they saw exactly what they wanted to. Physically, at least. To anybody who saw me I looked like a physically perfect person, in whichever way that meant to them. Most people say I look nothing like Jacob, which makes sense, however to Emma I look just like him. It's a very confusing power. When I look in the mirror, I don't even know if I'm seeing my true self or just what I want to look like. Either way, walking into a party as everybody's dream guy is always very interesting.

             I sank the ping pong ball into another plastic cup full of beer when my eyes wandered to Enoch. He leaned against a wall by the fireplace. I passed off my place in the game to some girl and made my way over to him. He smiled at me, awkwardly holding a still-full cup of vodka and soda. "Can we talk?" I asked. "Somewhere quieter?" He nodded. I guessed my way around the house until I found a bathroom. He sat on the counter and I stood in front of him, leaning against the wall.

             "Well..." he started. "what did you want to talk a-"

             "You don't look like you're having a very good time out there." I interrupted. He shifted uncomfortably and set his cup on the bathroom counter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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