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Misjudged || P r o l o g u e

Walking down these streets meant trouble. Actually no, let me rephrase that, walking anywhere instantly magnetizes you to trouble. Here in Summerdell, you have to watch your every single step, because honestly, you never know who is watching you, criticizing your moves or simply, judging you.

Welcome to Summerdell. What looks like your very perfect, happy little town, is in fact - what I believe - the entrance to Hell. Or pre-Hell as some might say. You see, I, Eleanor Bradford, have a theory. A theory, or rather just an opinion stating:

"Whoever comes to Summerdell, has a secret. They were meant to be here."

I like to think that God, fate, destiny, or whoever it is, chooses a certain kind of people, out of billions, and just places them here. It might sound crazy, or confusing even, but trust me when I tell you this, it's never what it seems.

And it took me eighteen years to figure this out. It took us eighteen years to figure this out.

Everyday, we keep on walking, we pass by people we may or may not have known. We glance at them, and then look away, and to us, at that exact moment, first impressions do matter. To us, a tattooed motorcyclist with leather clothing and a bandana, will reek of danger, but a guy or girl with features that match to a god or a goddess, will make us turn our heads to take a second glance. But let's not forget, tattooed god-like guys, wearing leather clothing, on a motorcycle. Now that's a different case.

Now, what if I told you that the same scary looking motorcyclist actually is a dedicated father of two little girls, would you still think that he's dangerous? Or what about that cute boy or girl you saw walking down the same street as you were? What if I told you that they've been raped? The perspective has been changed, and so has you're opinion.

It's never what it seems.

We're all misjudged.

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