Things just aren't going my way.

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Okay I'm angry. I can feel it bubbling from under my skin. I hate everyone around me, i don't like church, i don't feel I fit on there.

You told me that You wanted me to be happy, you said you cared about me, but how come i don't feel loved?5 

Anger is a very interesting emotion. You feel like bursting, but you kind of enjoy it at the same time, because you're releasing every single emotion.

The bible says "be angry, but sin not". It is okay to be angry but don't let your anger take control of you.

You say that you feel forgotten of God's great love, that you want things to go your way. Let me tell you a story. A man, a father was in battle one day, and his son was fighting along side with him. The enemey that they fought against were triumphing, they stole the mans soldiers, they killed his people. Then the man realised that all the enemy wanted was to defeat the king. He wanted to rule over all, and steal his kingdom. In order to save his people the man had to make a sacrifice, he had to make a swap, so his people wouldn't perish. He sent his son and took his life, and gave it to the enemy " here is my son, take." He said, and threw him. His people was safe. The lost soldiers had returned to the kingdom, and thanked him, because he did an honourable thing.  This is the son Jesus that died for both you and me. Do not forget God's love because he hasn't forgotten you.

What greater love is that. God had given his son to die for us. It is not an easy thing to do. Will you sacrifice the life of a loved one to save lives of those who doesn't know you? Who hated you? Who redeculed you?. Never forget God's love. Because he truly loves you.

People, church, Christians are telling you that if you go to God everything will be okay.

You may want a lot of things. The bible says " knock and it will be open, seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be answered". When the bible says ask. It does not mean that God will give you everything of what you want, but simply he will give you an answer to what you want.

Let me give you an example. You see something you like and you say i want those shoes i want bag i want that hat i want this and i want that but god is telling you that you're not ready for that yet i have ordained something better for you. It's not like she gave you what you wanted but he gave you an answer to what you asked for and that is what i mean.

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