first date wowowow [1]

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thanos started into your [e/c] eyes lovingly, his own beautiful amethyst orbs glistening in the moonlight. you both had previously met in an arby's three days ago and have been dating ever since. however, you were both taking the relationship slow, as it was your first one. this was your first date. he had his strong arm around you, holding on tight as if he didn't want to lose you.

he suddenly leaned in and puckered his luscious chapped violet lips. you panicked for a bit, but also did the same. however, you were both interrupted by a tall figure shrieking in the distance. you stopped and turned around, [h/c] hair swooshing along. your eyes widened as you made out the figure. it was— it was shrek!!

he flipped his long blonde hair and charged at you, his chocolate brown eyes were full of fury. thanos stood up quickly with his ePIC GAMER REFLEXES and stood in front of your frozen figure. shrek stopped and looked at the enormous grape in front of you.

"t,,thanos!!" shrek screeched, "move out of the way! [y/n] stole you from me!"

you couldn't believe what you just heard. this wasn't the shrek you knew. this wasn't the shrek you've known since kindergarten. thanos was shaking. he raised his left hand, getting ready to snap.

"thanos, nOO—" your screams we're then silenced as he snapped his mighty hand, turning you and shrek into dust. he turned around to face you, but noticed you were gone. he silently started sobbing, that did not go according to plan. he bawled. he accidentally turned his one true love, [y/n]-chan/kun/sama, into dust, leaving him to die alone. like a fucking dumbass.

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