A new monster

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During the night a mad scientist was working on an experiment. She was currently trying to make something simular to Sally but was having problems. Each time she got close something would happen to mess it up. The doll would even blow up at times.

After a few weeks she finally gives life to Sebastion but something was different. He didnt exactly come from her work. It seems his soul was pushed to the ragdoll rather then the ragdoll coming to life.

She searched for answers and found a group of teenagers obsessed with dark magic, such magic that they sacrificed the young boy they had befriended in a ritual. A ritual that replaced his soul with that of a demon and sent his soul looking for a new body. Her ragdoll needed life, he needed a body.

She realized that his soul had been pushed into the ragdoll as the magic that made their town also pulled him close. Close enough that on her last attempt at bringing life, she was able to pull his soul from the nether and put it into the doll.

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