Near Death

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BOLD- Shinigami
Bold italics- Kurma
Italics- thoughts
Bold underlined- flashback.
Underlined italics- pov
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Naruto's pov.

Running. Running as fast as I can sence i could walk. But today I have to run faster than ever because today........... is my birthday. Every day i get beaten bit on my birthday it is WORSE because today was the day that the kyubi no kitsune. As i took a left I heard a villager shout " THERES THE DEMON BRAT! LETS GET 'EM!"  Crap i took another turn this time right...........and right into an allyway.
"Ha you have no where left to run you demon." Said a random villager in the mob.
"Lets get him."said another
That is when the pain started. I had kunai in my hands and legs a shuriken in my left thigh. I was in a lot of pain.
"Hey i have an idea" said the mob leader.
" How about we make him die and finsh what Lord Fourth sarted."
And with that they started to carve words into me.
  I was in so much pain but i wouldn't give them the satafaction of hearing me scream. After they stoped carving they decided to pour alcohol on my wounds so they wouldn't heal.
" Hey guys since we poured alcohol how about we light the demon on fire." Said a shinobi.
" Thats a good idea." Then another said " Fire style: Grand fireball jutsu."
Thatbis when I lost it and started screaming.
The started laughing at my screams. Then they left me still on fire for dead. And I almost did die.
7seconds later
I was at deaths door when I met shinigami
He said to me
" My my what do we have here."
"Hi my names Naruto Uzamaki. What is yours?"
"My young chid do you not know who I am.......


I do not own naruto or any of the charaters.

Please tell me what you think and rember.....

Till next time Austin

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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