Turnabout Depression

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"Many years ago on that fateful day...I didn't think I'd seriously ever become a lawyer again and I had given up hope on doing anything whatsoever. There was no point. I'd lost everything. I ignored calls from everyone. Gumshoe, Maggie, Edgeworth...Maya. I think I knew in my heart Maya would never give up on me. She loved me and I loved her. But, at the time I didn't think I was going to be able handle ever talking to her again. I'd failed her. I'd been lured into a trap to present forged evidence. How could I ever face her or any of my friends again?  But, then I got a phone call and a series of events that led to me adopting Trucy and eventually marrying the love of my life came to be. This is that story."





Phoenix Wright

Wright & Co. Law Offices

May 3, 2019, 7:28 am

It had been two weeks since the day the only life Phoenix Wright had ever known disappeared. He had spent them mostly burrowed under his covers and existing mostly on any caffeine he could get his hands on while wallowing in self-pity. He wanted nothing to do with the outside world, or his 'friends' anymore. There was no point. They meant nothing to him. Just like everything else meant nothing.

He'd even stopped reading the paper and watching the newscasts. It had mostly been the same shit about him since the day it happened. Headlines such as "Ace Attorney put to shame" or "Phoenix Wright or Forging Wright?". It really impressed him how much the media could destroy him and how he felt about himself in just a headline.

While headlines about the Forging were no longer front page worthy in terms of news, there was still the occasional mention of it here and there, and he'd even caught it as short headers flashing across the bottom of the news screens on the television set.

He'd spent the last week dodging all phone calls, texts and emails, until they eventually had stopped. He'd let the mail pile up on the counter, unopened, and allowed all calls to go to voicemail. His inbox was flooded, but he no longer cared. He didn't even bother answering the door whenever he'd heard a knock on it. He just wanted to make everybody go away. He'd lost and he simply wanted to disappear and it seemed it didn't take much time to make that happen for most.

Two weeks. That had been all it had taken for his so-called friends, some of them life-long, to give up on him and move on and that's just what he wanted. He no longer wanted anyone thinking about him anymore. It was if they had never existed. As if he had never existed. Just him and himself in his own thoughts until he eventually died.

There was only one person whose attempts to contact him hadn't ceased. Maya Fey. The girl Phoenix had considered the love of his life and he'd told her that to her face  before she left. The two had agreed to date via long-distance She'd been calling and texting non-stop since the day before, when she'd obviously gotten back into the country from her Japanese retreat, returned to civilization, and heard the about the scandal. But she'd only been trying for one day. If he gave her another few weeks, she'd surely fade away, just like everyone else had. After all, she was now the master of a whole village.

Turnabout ForeverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang