"One Last Time..." (Angst)

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"N-No... Not again..."

Today was an inevitable day, a day that Homura unfortunately knew all too painfully well. To normal people, the storm clouds that were gathering were just an unusually terrifying storm. The citizens of Mitakihara City were hiding in shelters, safe and protected. However, to the unique magical girls, it was the day where their world would most likely fall into despair without any way to stop it.

Today was the day that Walpurgisnacht, the deadliest witch of all time, came to lay waste to Mitakihara City.

The two remaining magical girls, Homura and Kyoko, along with Madoka and Kyubey, stood solemnly, trying their best to come up with ideas.

The silence was soon broken by Madoka's voice.

"I'll do it. I'll become a magical girl."

Homura's eyes widened. "No! You can't! Didn't you see what happened to Sayaka!? I refuse to let you go through that.."

Madoka gripped Homura's hand tightly. "I know. But you two clearly can't stop this alone!" An idea suddenly popped into her mind. "I know what I want now before anything else, and I'm willing to trade my life for it. With no regrets."

Kyubey hopped on Madoka's shoulder. "Good. Then we better hurry before that witch kills us!"

Madoka nodded. "Right!"

Homura raised her arm to protest, but Kyoko pushed it back down.

"You and I both know that she's not going to listen."

Homura nodded. "I know... And that's what scares me..." She muttered under her breath.

"I wish that the witches would be erased from our world. That these creatures that fed on our despair would vanish from existence."

"Madoka, don't you realize what that means? You'd be wiping your own existence from this world, forever! You'd become a being beyond our plane of existence. Are you sure you want to go through with such a wish?" Kyubey asked.

Despite Homura's protests and pleas, Madoka walked over to her, pressing her lips onto hers. It was a goodbye kiss, a kiss that lingered on Homura's lips even after she had turned away, even after the flavor had been tainted with the dark-haired girl's salty tears.

"I love you, Homura. I always have. I'm so sorry that everything has to end this way, but trust me when I say I'm doing this for your sake. So you won't have to hurt anymore..."

"No! P-Please!" Homura begged, trying desperately to get Madoka to stay.

Madoka tearfully smiled at Homura one last time.

"Yes, Kyubey. I'm sure that this is what I want to wish for, beyond anything else!"

Kyubey sighed softly. "Okay."

A blinding beam of light enveloped Madoka, and Homura tried to run towards her, but Kyoko held her back.

When the beam of light dissipated, it revealed that Madoka was slowly fading away as she held a small object in her palms...

"NO!!!" Homura shrieked in agony, watching her true love disappear into thin air.

The one she had been going back in time to protect.

The one that she had relived her internal misery for.

The one that she loved over anything else...

And she was gone.

Gone forever.

And there was nothing that Homura could do about it.

Raising a gun to her head, Homura screamed so loudly that it echoed throughout the city.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH SHE MEANT TO ME!!??" Tears streamed down her cheeks as she narrowed her puffy eyes at Kyubey.

"Homura, don't do this." Kyoko tried to reason with her.

"NO!!! YOU DON'T!" She placed her finger on the trigger.

Kyubey sighed. "You do realize that this isn't gonna bring you two together, right?"

"I DON'T CARE!" Homura's Soul Gem darkened, and was almost at its breaking point.

And before anyone could stop her, Homura pulled the trigger.


Blood dripped from Homura's lifeless body as she fell limp, collapsing on the ground.


Homura fluttered her eyes open to a strange place with entrancing patterns of color. She frowned, looking around. Where WAS she? She didn't have a clue. It soon came to her attention that she was naked, and she quickly covered herself.

"Homura... I'm so glad that I could see you one last time..."

Homura turned to see a familiar face. The face of the girl that she had fallen in love with all those timelines ago. The face of the girl who had wished away her own existence to end the depressing reign of despair-hungry witches. The face of the girl that had never listened to her warnings.


"M-Madoka!?" A smile quickly found its way onto her face.

"Yes... It's me. Do you know how hard it was to watch you pull the trigger earlier?"

Homura was shocked. "Y-You saw that?"

"Of course I did. I can see everything at once now. I'm what humans would call a God. Well, a Goddess in my case. Same difference."

Homura looked on in a mixture of horror and astonishment. "So you know..? You know how many times I risked my life to save you?"

Madoka nodded solemnly. "Yep. You weren't even from this timeline to begin with. But I'll let it slide, since I love you so much.." She smiled at Homura.

Without warning, Homura felt a tingly sensation on her lips as the Goddess kissed her.

"I love you too, Madoka."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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