Final part

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I watch you working out,
And I feel happy!
I know I'm in for a treat,
As your heart speedily beats.

I love the sound of your body
When it begins getting out of breath.
I also love those moments when,
Your face starts dotting with sweat!

Now I hear your laboured breaths.
Your torso looks so beautiful,
Heaving in sync with those breaths.
Don't stop now for rest.

Sweat flows freely,
Down your red face.
I'm tempted to wipe it,
Off your handsome face.

You push thru the last set,
Panting and oh so sweaty.
Whenever you stop,
I'll be stethoscope ready!

You finally stop,
And lie down tiredly.
Your smooth chest and flat abs
Rise and fall as you breathe heavily.

I come closer to you,
And feel your hot breaths.
I wipe your heaving chest
And lay my head on your pecs.

Your heart is working hard,
And I feel wonderful,
As your chest rises and falls.
Time to use the steth after all!

Your heart beats fast and strong
Sounds from the stethoscope,
Excite me and inspire me,
I could listen to this all day long!

Your breathing has slowed down,
And so has your heart rate.
I'm tempted to make you workout,
All over again!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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