A Sunday Afternoon

26 3 0

We were already strangers from first day out.
No coordination or destination, meant to travels to unknown places.

Why is choosing not the answer to appear?
How is life so hollow yet so painful yet so sorrow, was it all for nothing?? Is It not-

Dreathing to throw away.
In endless abyss, all nothingness and yet...
Smile the day away.

Curse it all! Screech It loud!
Throw a punch and let It out,
Hoping it won't backfire late, don't hesitate!


A bang was heard. She let it out.
Her empty husk fell to the ground, embraced by gravity she let herself be taken. It was finally her time to awaken.

The air once filled with wormth and cold falls flat with unspoken words.
The birds look down in eerie silence.
As death looms above her grave.

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