The block

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Today amy came across a very dirty piece of cheese..she was very upset about this.Her rabbit , floppy , had taken the cheese outside and shat on it multiple times.This made amy very upset!

The next day amy woke up in a pool full of tears! She couldn't believe her dear rabbit would do such a thing.

She loved cheese with all her heart , the yellow , fluffy , moist and creamy block of cheese almost made her horny.BUT her rabbit ruined it for her , she works on a paper round just to afford her cheese.

After the heartbreak of the loss of her cheese , she decided to build a cheese factory in the place as her rabbits cage as the rabbit had been taken care of.

(earlier that day)

'U ratty rabbity bastard' She said as she grabbed the rabbit.

'Clean my cheese!' She said putting the block of cheese in the sink and putting the rabbit next to it.

Amy hosed down the cheese and the rabbit , floppy was now soggy and cold.She took the rabbit upstairs and put it under her bed sheets to warm up.


Amy has walked to a farm and tamed a cow to keep in her back garden to supply her with fresh milk for her new cheese factory.She named the cow Collin !

She rode collin home and took him upstairs to introduce him to floppy.As soon as floppy saw collin he hopped onto collins back.

Amy was amazed with how well her pets liked each other.She took them downstairs so collin could be milked.She looked forward to tasting collins cheese.

She later started a company called collins cheese , it was very successful.

Amy and the dirt blockWhere stories live. Discover now