Im not Perfect

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I tucked my dark brown hair behind my ear as the wind kept blowing it in my face. I wrapped my arms around me trying to shield the cold as I watched the football players run back and forth across the field.

I always came here after school to watch them practice because I had nothing better to do at home.

My parents always fight and my sister only talks about how great her boyfriend is and how perfect her life is and how she's in such a great college and this and that.

My parents thinks she's their perfect little angel. I hate being the youngest. It's like I don't exist.

If only my parents knew what she was really like........

"Hey! You either get on this field and play or get out of here. This is only for the football players." I heard a deep voice yell.

The coach.

Of course. He hates me because I always come here and he's so protective over theses stupid little bleachers that I sit on.

It's not like I'm bothering the players. He just needs to let me live my miserable little boring life peacefully on these cold, hard bleachers.

"Did you not hear me,go! I don't think you want to go play with them. Do you?"

"No I don't." Might as well just leave I'm done my homework. What else is there to do?

Oh that's right, nothing.

I grab my book bag and swing it onto my back. I start walking down the bleachers before he speaks again.

"And don't come back again. Go hang out with your friends or something."

"I don't have any friends." I mumble to myself.

I walk to the parking lot and spot my small tan car. It only fits 4 people so I guess it's pretty good. Except for the scratches and spray paint on it. My life is so jacked up.

I'm almost to my car when a blonde bumps into me.

"Watch where your going!" She shouts at me and pulls her shirt down, obviously trying to show her boobs.

I don't why it's not like she has any anyway. She's wearing a cheer leading uniform , guessing she's here for the practice.

I recognize her as Stephanie. Louis' new girlfriend. He probably is going to dump her in a week or so since they just started dating yesterday. He's such a player.

Louis is the best football player at our school. He's actually the reason our school wins against the other teams.The rest of our team sucks.

"Move!" She yells at me and pushes past.

I turned around to say something back but only see her making out with Louis.

How the heck he get here so fast. They were just practicing.

They stop kissing and he glances at me. I look away fast and feel my cheeks heat.

Great, now he thinks I'm a stalker. Not that I care what he thinks.

I open the door to my car and jump in. I start the car and head home.

When I get inside my parents are sitting at the dinner table with my sister and her boyfriend.

"Emily, that's great!" My mom shouts excitedly. She turns towards me at the door and gestures for me to come sit down.

I sit next to my dad and bring my hair to rest on my shoulders. I see Carl, Emily's boyfriend,glance at me. Though I just brush it off. He wasn't doing it in a lustful way sooo.

"Ella sweetie." My mom speaks again. "Your sister has some amazing news!" She smiles at Emily."Your sister has been asked to write an article for the 'inFo magazine' company. Emily is going to be a writer!" She pauses to take a breath. "They pay her so much money. She's going to be rich and so famous,oh Ella isn't this just great!" My mom starts clapping her hands.

"It's no big deal." Emily adds smiling brightly and blushing a little.

It kind of scares me how quiet my dad is being. He usually would be all in the conversation. So I brave myself for what is yet to come.

"It is a big deal!" My mom says widening her eyes. "This is a rare chance. Not that much young girls like you get a chance like this." She smiles so hard I swear if she had a face mask on it will be breaking by now.

"Wish more girls were like you." My dad finally speaks. "A certain girl like Ella." My dad turns toward me.

The room grows silent and all eyes are on me.

What did I do to deserve this?

I clear my throat before standing up from the table."I'm going to go to my room now."

"We'll aren't you going to finish your food honey." My mom says trying to fight her frown.

"No thank you." I reply quick before running up the stairs to my room.

As soon as I'm up there the tears start streaming down my face. I hate crying because of my dad but he hates me. And the fact of a father not loving his daughter but hating her, breaks my heart.

My life sucks. But I can't do anything about. And not anything or anyone is going to change my horrible life.

Or so I thought, but I will soon realize that I was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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