Cheryl Bombshell (pt1)

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cheryl's pov

i hated her,I really did and she knew it too,that's why she's doing what she is,laughing with all the girls like she's some sort of catch when she's not and I hated that she thought she was. I mean what the fuck.
"cheryl,hello earth to cheryl" Veronica snapped me out of my thoughts. "Huh what's wrong" i replied quickly."your staring at mantle again,are you not over her yet Cher" ugh here we go again."of course I'm over her why the fuck would I not be,at the end of the day it's her loss not mine V" i rushed,turning around to hide the tears forming in my eyes,she knew how much I hated being asked that,yet she still asked."really seems like it Cher by the way Betty's flirting with Jughead again" she never learns I swear "Ronnie I'm not gunna lie to you,there's a chance I don't care" i turn around to my locker and reapplied my signature red lip stick when the belt went and the hurried movements of sweaty teens started to knock me and V around like we where apes in a zoo.oh how I hated school.

Here i was sat in class with Y/N Mantle sat next to me.How fun.I'm sat next to a vile serpent and her douche twin brother,could I get more lucky obviously not.

"So Cher what did you get up too this fine summer" a familiar voice speaks up."Nothing that would concern a saphic serpent like yourself" I felt bad but at the end of the day it's what she deserved."ahhh you are still hurt about that" i ignored her comment and focused on the math problem at the front."of course she is sis,she's missing out on a mantle over a jacket" Reggie spoke up and Y/N being Y/N laughed loudly and obnoxiously like it was only them two in the class.oh I hate her ass right now.


I woke up at 7 am sharp with one intention set in mind,get your girl back Y/N,after the pep talk my brother Reggie gave me last night I felt capable of doing anything,so I was going to do exactly that,I've noticed she's been talking to Toni Topaz a lot and it's kinda killing me because Toni is my bestfriend and I don't want things to go further with her.I take a quick shower,trying my hardest to not break down but it was almost impossible,when I got out i put my near enough new serpent jacket on with a black crop top,black jeans and a yellow flannel,then the search for my brother began.There he was in his car waiting for me "Hurry up dipshit,you've been forever we are  almost late" he was definitely lying and just wanted to get to Veronica before Archie did but I sat in the car,the ride was fairly quiet with only a few words being exchanged.

Andddd there she was in all her glory THE Cheryl Blossom,the heartbreaker of many,including me,there was no sign of Ronnie for a while,she was most likely with Andrews or Reggie maybe even both who knows.Then I noticed Cheryl was talking to TONI FUCKING TOPAZ.
My heart broke again at the sight so I did the only normal thing to do in my situation,flirt with someone else.I saw Camila sat on a seat near the library reading a book, she was fairly quiet and quite geeky but she was cute and that's all that mattered "hi" she said in a shy voice "your staring you know" she let out with a small giggle following,by this point,her friends had crowded around her thinking I was giving her trouble i gave her a small smile and she smiled back "I'm sorry I was just lost when I saw you,your beautiful" all the girls around me laughed at me and I knew Cheryl noticed,She told Toni to leave and Veronica had made her first appearance of the day but no doubt it won't be her last,Cheryl seemed to be spaced out,just staring me and Camila out whilst we are speaking,Camila let out small giggle when her friend Valerie said something about me,I looked at the girls in confusion and got a smile followed by a lip bite back off of Valerie,I smirked and said my goodbyes to the girls but not without passing my number on to Camila,the bell rang when I was least expecting it and I saw Topaz in the hall,this is it,this is what she's gunna get for messing with my girl,we got closer by the second and i got angrier by the minute and trust me she could tell,she turned around and starting walking in the same direction as me WTF we got closer to our class step by step more irritated that school was back on,I took a seat in the new room and waited to see who was in here with me,so far Topaz,Jughead,Betty and Ronnie.

About 20 minutes had passed and Cheryl wanders into the class seemingly dazed and takes a seat next to me and my brother,I hated this,all lesson was torture all I saw was Toni and Cheryl eye fucking eachother and texting eachother.My heart broke more and more by the second and i couldnt cope I was breaking so I spoke up but she was just being rude and I hated every second.

I saw one of the texts between the two and that's when my heart really broke.

T.T🤤-wanna come to my trailer after school beautiful❤

Cherry👠-of course I will love❤

that's when I was gone rushing out of class tears pouring from my eyes and Reggie following closely behind.

"Are you okay Y/N" I felt like saying no but I braved it and just nodded.

hey lovelies,this is my first attempt at doing this so please tell me if I'm doing bad I hope I'm not obviously but you never know.
Camila is played by Camila Cabello

i try to update when I can if y'all want me too

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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