Thorn of Mystery

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*"You're here? But why?" ... "What do you mean you want me?" ... "No I can't have you, W-What's with the.. N-No.. Nooo.. NOOOOOO" ...*

Today is Monday, July 15th and a body of a man was found dead his body seemed to be stabbed violently in the abdomen, chest and sternum. Who would kill this man? No evidence is shown except for a dark red rose placed over his body, This isn't the first time we've seen this on a victim. Many of our cases have shown a person dead with a dark rose found near the body in our small town of Rosethorne, California near the border of Oregon and Nevada. No one could figure out who is behind all of these murders, They've been clever on the way they kill never seeming to leave any evidence of them being here as if it was almost like a suicide or accidental murder. I left the scene getting a phone call as I answered a muffled soft voice spoke on the other line "Hello, Detective Jules" The voice seemed to lack a feminine or masculine attributes sounding almost robotic or inhuman. "Who is this?" I replied curious on who this mystery caller is. "I'm a friend if you will detective, I know who's behind all of these murders. I know the Rosethorne Killer" The caller replied, They where mysterious indeed. "How do I know this isn't a hoax? Why are you calling me?" Detective Jules asked intrigued on what this mystery caller would reply with.

I am Detective Sam Jules, I've been hunting the Rosethorne Killer for the past few years. Over 50 reported murders by this mysterious killer two thirds are adult males, with a third being adult females. The good news is no kids have been killed seems this killer prefers adults approximately 25 to 40, No victims under 25 have been identified. We've always seen a dark rose on the victim's body, next to the victim's body or near the crime scene. I recently got a call and this might be the break we need to solve the murders. "Well detective its clear you're all stumped on this killer. I have a lead on the next victim's location, Its your home detective" The caller suddenly replied. I dropped my phone then ran to my car and got in, I quickly buckled up and floored it towards my house. A soft, quiet laugh came from the phone before it suddenly stopped with the other line hanging up. I drove up to my house to see nothing wrong from the outside. My house was a medium family home, painted a delicate blue color and the lawn was mowed with flowers placed next to the path that leads to my front door. I unbuckled then got out of my car and ran down the path to my house. I opened the door to see nothing wrong and as it was, I called for my girlfriend and roommates they didn't respond. This got me worried, Since they always respond to me. I walk into my kitchen to notice someone it was my sister Cydney, "What are you doing here Cyd?" I asked crossing my arms. Cydney smiled then turned to look at me "Why I came here to see you Jules, Your roomies and girl left when I got here. Guess I forgot to lock your doors" Cydney smiled as if she was an angel.

"Seriously Cydney what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be with our parents?" I rolled my eyes, I knew she was up to something she always seems to be. "Can't I come spend time with you? Or is big detective too busy to spend time with me?" Cydney makes a pouty face as if she was a little kid begging for a piece of candy. I sighed than shook my head as I walked into the living room. Cydney just followed behind me keeping the face going. I just tried to ignore my sister as I started to look around to see if the caller was accurate about my house being next attacked. My sister stopped following me around the house after about 5 minutes before heading to the kitchen. I continued searching this time I was upstairs as I looked through my room not seeing anything but my sister's instrument, I walked closer to see if she was taking good care of it until I hear my sister talking to someone. I assume its one of her friends and open the case to see her instrument in very good condition which surprised me, I closed the case and left my room to move on the search. I was searching around upstairs until I started to hear some sort of fighting downstairs I was confused but maybe thought my sister was getting in a fight with my girlfriend or roommates. So I didn't pay attention to something I should of but if I did it was already too late. Cydney screamed, I quickly ran down the stairs to see my house was broken into and my sister was against the cabinets stabbed to death in the kitchen. I cover my face and shake my head, did the Rosethrone Killer just take away my little sister's life? She had a promising future ended by this killer. I will not rest until they're put away, They took away my family now its personal. I stood outside my house as my sister's body was taken out on a stretcher, I could only hear my parent's weeps if they'd saw her body. It looked my sister fought back unlike the other victims could it be my sister knew the killer, Could she of been the caller? I doubt it.

My theory of her being the caller would be ended by a call from the mysterious caller. I'd answer "Hello?" I asked. "Oh poor detective, You should of stayed by your sister. If you did she'd be with you right now, You got your sister killed. She would of survived if she had you protecting her like a good older sibling not a paranoid prick" The raspy, soft voice chuckled. "Don't You Dare Talk That Way To Me! They Made It Personal By Taking Away My Sister" I replied angrily. "You took away someone close to the killer, So I guess its even isn't Sam?" The voice replied. "Ugh! I don't have time for-" I was interrupted by the caller. "Listen You Douche! I'm helping you and your letting paranoia win, Believe me and listen or someone else will die too." The caller replied. I slowly teared up and clenched my fist then hung up on the caller. I didn't know this but that was a mistake I would regret, My girlfriend and roommates walked up to me. "Honey what happened? Why was-" I interrupted my girlfriend. "The Rosethorne Killer Killed Cydney" I replied. My roommates seemed more worried then my girlfriend which seemed odd, Especially since my girlfriend was closer to my sister then my roommates. I need to find out who this mystery caller is then maybe, just maybe I can get closer to finding the Rosethrone Killer. "Honey.. Last time I saw you talk with Cydney didn't you say that you wanted nothing to do with her?" My girlfriend asked raising an eyebrow. She wasn't wrong, I did tell Cydney that but my sister doesn't care what I say. She knows I love her even tho she always gets on my nerves, I don't think my girlfriend understands that. Who's going to be next on the Rosethorne Killer's list of helpless victims?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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