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The dark, damp confines of our family's room is a cluttered mess. My sister, Mollie, is always leaving her shit around. I'm just not cut out for the whole underground bunker thing. I've never seen the city, I heard it's bright and beautiful. I would love to see it someday. Doubt that will happen. My mother and father are arguing in the next room over the same damn bullshit they always argue over, "These kids can't stay in here forever," and, "Yeah, well, would you rather we live in a beautiful home when we get hit by the Russians? Or would you rather be in a secure bunker?" and blah, blah, damn blah!  

We're sitting there, watching the news. Well, I'm only half listening. The television whirrs as a news story snaps on. This only puts me in a more bored, tired state. Mollie nudges my arm, "Dougie, what's a bomb?" 

"I don't know, Mollie, quit buggin' me, I'm trying to get some rest."  

"Sorry..." she says, all innocent, but I'm no fool, she can't break me.  

Mollie might as well be putting a torch to my ass when she gives me her sad eyes, "Agh, fine, why are you asking?" I say, finally breaking.

"Because the man on TV said that the bombs will drop soon, then he said he will be going to a bunker! Like ours," she says, again, all innocent-like. 

I don't entirely understand the bomb. I just know it isn't good if he's going to a place like this. "Maybe it's... I don't really know, Mollie, forget it."  

"Okay. So, what are you doing today, Dougi-" the entire bunker shakes violently, causing the chair I'm sitting in to wobble and fall. A few of our vintage snowglobes hit the floor and shatter next to my head, making me wince hard as the glass pelts my cheek.

I stand up in time to see our parents rush in and simultaneously say, "Is everything alright?" Mollie and I look at each other nervously as the television goes blank.  

A new channel pops up, a man in an odd uniform with all kinds of buttons on it appears. "You all knew this day was coming. Your nation's capital is no more. The rest of the package will arrive to the rest of you shortly. Good day, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, and good riddance." He gives a weird, sinister smile, and waves. The television goes to the standby screen as my mother looks at it hard. She tries to fight back tears, but only ends up bursting out crying even worse.

"It'll be okay, Deborah. There, there," says our father, holding her close to his chest, patting her back the same way he always did. Even in that strong man's eyes you could see the despair and sadness welling up.

Suddenly, an enormous explosion rattles me to the core. The explosion was clearly our door being blown open, because the sound of orderly feet are heard walking toward our room.

Our mother pushes us, father excluded, into an adjacent, concealed manhole. My sister and I gaze above, just as the door bursts open and armored men come in. I shove Mollie down further, knowing she doesn't need to see what's probably about to transpire. "What do you want with us?" my father asks, looking as wry as he ever has. A man with a pistol just laughs and shoots him in the gut.

"Howard!" screams our mother, as he turns to give her one final kiss.

The man stands over him and spits, "Disgusting," says the man in a Russian accent. "Hello, fine lady, would you like to live?" he waits for a response, our mother is staring at the lifeless body of her husband. "Bitch, I said, do you want to live?!" he says, slapping her. "Heh heh heh. Take her to the 'copter." and they all file out. 

Mollie and I crawl out, and I'm over to my father instantly. He isn't moving, "Dad? Dad?!" tears well up as I repeat his name. I bend down and put my ear to his mouth to hear whether he was still breathing or not.

Mollie has no idea what's happening. "Dougie? What's wrong with daddy?" she asks.  

I wipe away my tears and sniff, "Daddy wants me to tell you that he loves you, and that he's going to take a nice, long nap."

"Oh... where's mommy?" she asks.  

"Bad men took her, Mollie. Really bad men." 

Mollie shrugs and walks over to her bed and lays down. She's too young to understand.  

The bunker door closes with a hiss as the men shuffle out. A chain of bombs drop. The lights flicker and turn off. It had really happened. New York City, no, the United States of America... was gone.

This is where my journey begins. When I, Doug Tanner, vow to find my mother and avenge my father. This is my destiny. This is... a vicious world. 

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