Chapter One // Introduction

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Phil POV

        My name is Phillip Lester, or Phil, which I prefer. I'm not an extravagent person. I'm not popular, I'm not a geek, I'm just... me. Wow that sounded corny. Anyway, I'm pretty much catagorized under: FAGS.

        That's what everyone calls me. A fag. Sure, I came out in the ninth grade admitting that I like guys. That pretty much screwed up my entire high school experience.

        Everyday I am told to wait after the last bell. So I do. And when I do, I get beaten to a bloody red pulp. I feel useless. Unable to contain myself, unable to stay upon the Earth. I don't get it. I have good grade, I've never done anything wrong like smoke, drink, or even think about doing happy. I think I'm a good person. Am I just being punished for being truthful, a gay? I've never slit my wrists, although, I have thought about it. Is it the music I listen to? The anime I watch? The rights I fight for?

        I decide to shake out of my stupor, walking into the North England High School. We have to wear uniforms. Currently, in the fall, the boy's uniform is a red and gold stripped tie, that reminds me of the Gryffindor House in Harry Potter; we also wear black trousers, a white blouse, and a light grey blaiser with the intinals: NEHS.

        The almost vacent corridor is sad, really. Black and white tiles line the hall's floors, a faded banner with the words, Go North England Bullfrogs! printed in gold across it. The lockers were an odd colour of blue and gray mixed together like a stormy day. The heating system was on, I could hear the generators working their best, at level high. Sure, it sounds like a run down school, only because, well, it is a run down school. But, I only chose to come here because of the academical system. I'm in almost all advanced class, and my eighth grade year I was voted to be most sucessful in my life. I hope that would come true.

        I can only afford to go to this school because I got a full ride- all four years of my high school life is half paid, which, I can fourtently only afford half of the tution.

        I went to my locker at the far end of the fourth main corridor of the school, a faded baby blue with hints of silver flashing out from underneath of it. Before opening it, I took my nail and chipped off some of the paint. Then, I entered the six didget number, turning the nob slowly to the left. The lock popped off and I opened my locker, grabbing my first period books: Advanced Geometry.

        Putting my books into my bag, I started to slowly walk down the hall, remembering that the people that usuallly beat me are just down the second corridor, where my first class is. When I turned the third hall corner to the second hall, I saw them, standing in a semi-circle against the wall. I gulped when I saw a boy, a boy whom I have never seen before. He was standing at the head of the circle. He had a kind of emo-ish haircut. His hair was brown, but the lighting in the musty hall made his locks look like copper giving off a glowing luster. His eyes almost matched his hair, but were a darker brown. His complexion was tan and pale mixed together.

        I know, how could I see his hair all the way from where I was standing? Well, it was hard to miss him. I realized how long I was standing there just staring at this very attractive person. He looked over and made eye contact with me. He smirked and waved. The group all looked to where he was looking- looking at me -and they spat quickly at him "That's the fag we've been telling you about!" or "Ew, the fag might have the hots for you." Their ringleader, Paul, put up two fingers. Well, at least I knew where I was getting beat up today.

        I scurried into my class, thinking about the boy. The boy I'd probably only know from my next attacks...

{Author's Note/ a manditory read}

Thank you for reading! Dan's POV will be next chapter. Please, if you wish to continue know that there will be some graphic situations such us brutal beatings and blood. There will also be a large ammount of swearing. There will be close to no smut, I want this phanfic to be as clean as possible. There will, however, be descibtive parts of wanting and deep kissing scenes. Just a caution of what to come :)

If you have any problems with any of these things please do not continue on. Love you all 💋




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