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          Min Yoongi watched as the girl walked up to the piano. She wore a red scarlet dress that faded to white at the end of the long skirt that trailed the ground behind her. Her angelic features glowed as she walked under the spotlight that illuminated the single brown piano  that sat in the middle of the room, accompanied by a stool.  People sat all around the piano, only the barest shadow and silhouette announcing their presence.  Though he didn't remember her name, he remembered seeing her earlier as she watched others perform, clapping her hands with a smile of encouragement planted on her lips after each performance. He vaguely remembered being introduced at a similar event, but he did remember her pleasant personality.  

Graceful like a swan, she seated herself on the stool, and closed her eyes for a moment. Everyone had fallen silent in anticipation of her performance. After letting out a silent sigh, she brought her hands up to the keys, playing her first chord. It echoed around the room for a minute before it was followed by another one. Gradually, the song that that had started slow and soft picked up speed and volume. The pleasing melodies created several overlapping harmonies that stole people's hearts.

 Being a renowned pianist himself, Yoongi could understand the difficulty of playing such a masterpiece. That combined with the thousands of eyes packed into the stadium must have been nerve-wrecking, but her body language said anything but. Her fingers danced upon the keys, her eyes closed with body moving to the steady rhythm of the song. A small smile was planted upon her soft lips that were decorated with the fainted trace of lipstick. The piano keys seemed to play at her will,  never letting her fingers slip onto the wrong keys.  she seemed to play melodies that came from deep within, her soul and the piano successfully becoming one. 

As she gently ended the carefully crafted piece, Yoongi looked around to see tears in the eyes of everyone in the audience. Even more surprisingly, he found himself wiping away his own involuntary tears.  the whole stadium was silent for the moment after she finished playing. Nobody dared to breathe, afraid to be the one to break the magical moment.  

The artist herself sat with her hands folded on her lap,  her eyes closed as she looked to be oblivious of her surroundings, drowning in bliss.  Slowly, Yoongi found himself clapping, and everyone seemed to jolted back into reality. Soon, Yoongi wasn't the only one clapping, in fact, the whole stadium was thundering in applause, and the artist simply bowed before leaving the stage.  

Her humbleness surprised Yoongi, as she kindly accepted praise thrown at her.  Never once did she act arrogant or rude to anyone, even though it was obvious that she was a better player than most. Yoongi thought of her as a unique soul, and he knew he would never find anyone like her again. And so, he admired her from far away, knowing that she would live on in his heart forever, even thought they never exchanged even a word.

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