Ch1 The Shadowbard

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"Welcome to the Dragon's Tavern," a small elf girl said, looking over her shoulder at the new customer.

"How much for a room?" the stranger asked. He came to stand in front of her, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Four gold coins," she said with a sly smile.

The stranger dug into his pockets, his tongue stuck out as he searched for the required coins. After about a minute, he heaved an exasperated sigh and looked at her with tired, disappointed eyes. "I'm afraid I uh...haven't got that much on me. Sorry for bothering you," he apologized, awkwardly pulling his lute off his back. He gave her a slight nod and headed for the door.

"Wait, what is your name?" the elf's voice halted him.

"Valdez, and may I ask who wants to know?" he asked and stopped to look at the girl. Her Jade green eyes stared at him as a small grin crept across her face. Her white hair fell down across one of her eyes, giving her almost an angelic appearance. She gave off an eerie feeling, however, one that Valdez could not seem to shake off.

"Sylvera Eiwyn, sir. I have a proposition for you," she offered, her grin never faltering. She leaned over the bar counter and waved him over towards her.

With a moment of hesitation, Valdez slowly walked back over to her, his hand clenched into a fist.

Now that he could see more of the young girl he could tell she was quite shorter than the average elf; still tall in human standards but definitely shorter than most elves in the city. She wore a simple black dress that contrasted greatly with her pale, seemingly flawless skin. She gently pulled his head down and softly whispered, "I need you to kill a man for me, and in return I will allow you a free stay whenever you want."

Valdez raised his head back up and gazed at her with narrowed eyes and lowered brows. "A man's life for a room?" he said. "It hardly seems fair."

"Don't you need a place to stay?" she smiled crookedly up at him, her tone suddenly seductive and alluring. She gazed at him from under lowered lashes. "I might throw in something a little bit special to, if you know what I mean...."

Valdez crossed his hands over his chest, his eyes still narrowed. He frowned. "Tell me about this man."

"He's a local slaver. He hates us elves and constantly captures us and sells us into slavery. I figured that since you're new around here...." Her melodic voice was hypnotic, and her nails lightly trailed down the side of his neck.

"Well...I suppose I can get rid of him for you," Valdez said, almost in a trance, looking into her eyes; every word she said sounded like it came from an angel to him.

"Great!" Sylvera squealed, clapping her slender hands together in joy. "His name is Kroy Yeager; he lives just a few miles outside of town." She pointed towards the nearest door and added, "That's your room by the way," she told him with another seductive smile, eyeing Valdez up and down.

He wore a simple forest green cloak over what she could only assume was leather armor; the lute in his hand and a large rucksack on his back seemed to be the only things he owned. He was handsome, with tanned, dark skin and weathered features. His brown eyes were soft, and his dark, messy hair fell to his shoulders.

"Er...thank you, dear," he said as she plopped a rusty key in his hand. He gave her a stiff nod and turned on his heel, heading towards his room. He unlocked it and hastily shut it behind him.

The room wasn't much; only a simple bed with a chest at the end of it, and a wardrobe that, upon inspection, was filled with cobwebs and spiders. The room smelled strongly of dust, but it would do. He had slept in worst places.

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