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CHAPTER seventeen

Like a F-ing God or Something

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•it has to be my•

"People are talking trash in public now, in the streets." Will said as he paced across the kitchen.

"In the cafeteria?" Grizz continued as he filled up a glass of water from the sink.

Becca sat at the counter looking at him and Gordie sat next to her with his laptop open.

"Yeah, everyone." Will responded.

"Well, we packed 'em into houses together, four in a room. It's the perfect breeding ground for an epidemic of discontent." Gordie said without looking up from his laptop.

"What are they saying, exactly?" Becca asked.

"They just want her to decide." Grizz said.

"Three days now. Her not deciding makes her seem weak." Will cut in.

"And her being weak, that's the scariest thing to them." Grizz concluded and sighed. "People are gonna start turning against her."

As soon as Grizz finished his sentence Jason swung the door open and looked around the small room.

"Hey." He said as he closed the door behind him. "Where's Bleu?"

"In her room." Becca said before calling up to her, her voice echoing throughout the house.

Jason stood next to Grizz and put his fist out. Grizz hit his fist back and set his water cup down.

"How's it going?" Jason asked trying to limit the silence.

No one responded. Gordie looked up at him and smiled.

"Pretty good."

"Anything yet?" He asked referring to the decision.

Any response was interrupted by the sound of footsteps on the stairs. Blue rounded the corner. her hands were covered by a beige sweater and she was playing with her fingers, out of nervousness. Everyone looked over at her.

"What's up?" She said as she stepped off the last step, swinging her leg like a little kid.

"It's Dewey." Jason began. "Third meal in a row. He won't eat."

"Like a hunger strike?" Bleu asked crossing her arms.

"I guess. I can't really force him to eat." Jason responded.

"How long can a person go without eating?" Bleu asked turning to Becca and Gordie.

"Oh, a while." Gordie responded as Becca ignored the question.

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