number 1

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Name: Zahir Aart

Age: 19

Gender: male

Sexuality: gay

Species: vampire

Human form: none

True form:

True form:

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Pets: none

Powers: he has super speed and is able to heal miner wounds with his saliva.

Tattoos: he has a tattoo of a snake wrapping around his neck that is all black.

Piercings: he has a snake bite piercing and tongue piercing.

Drinker: yes

Druggy: no

Job: he works at a cafe

Fears: he has a fear of heights and fear of crowded areas as he has severe social anxiety.

History: when he was little he was bit by a pure blooded vampire and was turned into one. His family was able to accept him as they didnt want to lose their only son. He has good control over his hunger and can live off of special made blood that is specifically made for vampires like him. After he graduated from highschool he started working a cafe for supernaturals.

Family: his mother, caroline. His father, sibatchi. Both deceased. Has a little sister who is only 5 that he takes care of now.


Position: seke

Turn ons: biting his partner, Fighting for dominance, forced submission, pain, and being licked

Turn offs: his sister hear (for obvious reasons), crying, being bit, and being gentle

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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