Chapter 1- The Krew is going to YHS

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Funneh's P.O.V
School was boring, it felt like I was in a cage full of ghost, Well not always because some people are loud, well anyways, this Math question was too hard, so I skipped the question and moved on to the next one, then Gold tapped me over, "This is so hard, I can't even answer this questions." She whispered. And I agree, who could even solve this problem? I mean if Lunar and Rosey we're here, they know what to do, mostly Rosey, but then the bell went. "FINALLY!!!" I screamed, "Alright class , we'll finish this tomorrow." Mrs Dollface said, (I know these characters don't exist, but I made them, so don't worry 😉) I stormed out of the room and dashed in art class.

"Finally... we get a rest from Math..." I groaned with relaxation, "Hmmm, I wonder what we're doing in art?" I thought. Then Gold scared me, "BOO!" "Ah! Gold! That was not funny!" I yelled. "To me, it is, hehehe." She said, then started chuckling, our art teacher came in and walk to the front of the class. "Welcome to ar.." when she was about to say that someone rudely interrupted her, "Yeah, Yeah, we know old lady." Felicia said, the class show off (I don't know how to describe her XD) the teacher ignored her and did it again, "As I was saying, Welcome to art class, and today were painting with partners." She said, "Nice!" I thought.

"I'll show you what to paint." The teacher said, "um excuse me?" Kryan asked. "Yes?" The teacher replied. "What is your name?" He asked, "Oh! Silly me! I need to show some manners! I am Mrs Potato and I love potato." She said, "I like potato's too!" I thought happily. And she showed the painting and man! How could we paint that!?

It is so beautiful, but too bad we can't even paint like that, "Well class, this is what your painting today, it may look hard but that's why we set up into partners, the partners will be a group of four, three or two, there is no way you can be b...

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It is so beautiful, but too bad we can't even paint like that, "Well class, this is what your painting today, it may look hard but that's why we set up into partners, the partners will be a group of four, three or two, there is no way you can be by yourself or else I'll pick the team for you." She explained, "Understand?" "Yes." All of us said.

In my team, I teamed up with, Gold, Alec and Kyran, and we started painting, "Man if Lunar was here or Rosey, they could paint better than us." I said, "yeah and there is no way we're going to win if they were here, well Rosey because she's good at art (not in real life :()" Gold said, Kyran and Alec looked at them suspiciously and Alec asked. "Who is Lunar and Rosey?" "Yeah you've been talking about them? Lately." Kryan said. "Oh, um, there our sisters, well Lunar is the 2nd youngest sister and Rosey is the youngest sister but we have two more actually." Gold explained, "oh ok." They boys said. As we kept painting and painting and painting, we were finished and gotta say this nearly turned out to be the same painting except it's a different, well the teacher didn't say that you can't choose a different color, right?

Gold's P.O.V
When time was up, we all stand up and listen what the teacher says, "Alright class, it's time to present your painting with your groups, first off Feli.." as she was rudely interrupted again (By Felicia of course) "It's Pink squad, Lady!" She said rudely, "wow rude." I whispered to Funneh, "I know right, poor teacher." Funneh whispered back. "If you interrupted me again, I'll make sure I'll spank you or even worse... I'll haunt you tonight, Ok?" She said horrifying. "Erm....uhhh...ok..." Felicia mumbled. Hehehe, well that was her fault for being a meanie/meany (Idk how to spell it so I put slash to it to see if it is meanie or meany, same pronunciation but different spelling, to me) anyways the teacher called them up first, "this is our painting and this painting beautiful! More beautiful than all of yours! Me and Brittney used pinky pink and sprinkled pink on the bottom and used light pinky pink for the top." Felicia said, wow that flower looks bad, it just looked like a cat just attacked Brittney or something. "Clap for us everyone!!!" Brittney yelled, "I think that's enough girls, I'll give you, eh, a C" said Mrs Potato, "WHAT!?" The girls yelled. Me and Funneh giggled a bit, the Alec and Kyran tried to hold their laughed, but they kinda almost gave it away, "Well this isn't fair anyways, c'mon Brittney, let's get PSL from Minebucks." Felicia said. "K girl." Brittney said, As the two walked away from the class.

"Mrs Potato, should we get the..." Alec said, as he got cut off by Mrs Potato, "No, I'll tell the Principal later, just let them get in trouble." She said, yeah she's right let them get in trouble, those girls already took too far, hahaha, can't wait to see them detention, anyways, she picked us next, we were nervous but the boys was on our side and calm us down, this made us confident. "This is our art, it's has, rainbow colors." I said, "But the other has rainbow colors except ours is different." Funneh said, "We all took our time, but, we managed to finish it in time, and we really liked this art project." Alec said, "Annnnnd! I kinda have a quote for this."

"Our world is colourful so is our flowers"

"This flower will keep us safe, until the end"

"It's full of love and passion"

"If your scared, this flower can always protect you."

"This flower here will die with you until it's reborn and we can all start again with this flower."

"The colourful flower, will always, always, be with you, forever and ever."

As Kryan finished, my face was pink and Funneh chuckles a bit, "What?" I whispered. "You totally like him." Funneh smirked, "oh shush!" I mumbled. "Wow, gotta say, this is excellent, the explaining the color was beautiful, explaining the colors are similar but different was wonderful and you took your time very well, and gotta say the quote you made young man." Mrs Potato pointed at Kyran, "oh! Huh? M-me?" He said shyly. "Yes you, you made the quote very beautiful, it almost made me cry, your group will get A+" she said. "Yay!" All four of us cheered. As we walked to our seat.

"Ok class next up is..." As we kept presenting and presenting, Yandere was the last one. "I call this the black flower, like Funneh's group said, their flower will keep you alive, but this, one, this black flower is about death, when you feel really sad, you looked for a flower and saw a black one, this flower can kill you to near death." As she finishes, "Well Yandere you took your time well, you'll get A+." Mrs Potato said. "Why is her paintings are always black, dark and soulless?" Funneh secretly asked me. "I don't know, why are you asking me?" I said with a sass, "I don't know, it looks creepy." She said, "Don't say that! You offending her!" I whispery yelled. "Sorry, sorry." Funneh said, as the bell went, "Now I'll see you students tomorrow, now I need to find Felicia and Brittney!" She said. "Hehehehehe." Me and Funneh giggled.

We went to our lockers and put our stuff away.

Funneh's P.O.V
When I was just putting my stuff away on the locker, I heard my phone make a sound, so I grabbed it and checked, "who is it?" Gold asked, "it's from Rainbow." I said, "that's funny, she never texts you." Gold said calmly, "Well I'll go check it out." I said, I looked through my phone and read the message.

F-Funneh R-Rainbow

F: Wassup Pleb

R: Hey Funneh, how are you doing?

F: Fine, you?

R: good, I need to tell you something...

F: what?

R: we're going to YHS!

F: OMG really!?



R: whoa! Your too excited!


R: Tomorrow

F: I'll tell Gold!

R: k, I'll go now, bye!

F: Bye Pleb! See you tomorrow!

R: see you too!

I was jumping up and down, like I was going to explode in excitement, the Gold asked me, "Funneh why are you jumping up and down?" "Because...Because..." I mumbled in excitement. "Because what?" She asked, "Because the Krew are going to be in YHS!!!" I shouted. "Really!?" She asked, "yeah!" I said, "OMG! We should  make a celebration for them! Wait what day are they going in YHS?" Gold said. "Tomorrow!" I said, "then tonight we need to prepare for tomorrow!" Gold said. "Okie, but let's get lunch!" I said. "Ok." She squealed in excitement. I put my phone away and went to the cafeteria.

This story doesn't make sense, doesn't it? Well I'll end it here, wait for chapter two! See ya my sweet potato plebs!

Oh yeah! Forgot to mention! Subscribe to itsfunneh! And I'll actually see you later!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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