Chapter 1

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Lets just say I am not an early riser, so when dad woke me up at 7:30, I lashed out. Literally. I was out of bed in a flash with a pillow in hand, smacking him round the head with it. I stopped when I heard him laughing, however. I threw the pillow back on my bed and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Well that was rude." I huffed in annoyance. "Father, it is half past seven in the morning! What could possibly be so important that you have to wake me up at this time?" I don't really blame him, though. I am, after all, very good looking.

"It's your birthday, dear!" He exclaimed. My eyes widened in realisation. "Merlin, Jose, did you forget?" I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless. My smile turned into a grin when I saw the bags of presents that are all for me and no one else. I don't share.

I'm just like my dad: we don't like to share!

"Come on now. Up and dressed, James, Lily and Harry will be here soon." He offered. That got me out of bed. James is one of Dad's friends and Harry is James' son- my best friend. Lily is James's wife- she's like a motherly figure to me! James is like my Uncle.

I haven't really introduced myself, have I? My name is Josie Marie Black, daughter of Sirius Black and Phoebe Gnash- my mum died giving birth to me. Dad got over her death a while back now and I never knew her so I had nothing to get over really- apart from the fact she died because of me. Anywho, I have my dads brown eyes and my mums straight, brown hair.

My birthday is June 8th- which is today!- and I am 11 years old. For my birthday, I mainly ask for clothes or money.

As I walk down the stairs, the smell of bacon and eggs reach my nostrils. Now fully dressed in my leather jacket, red shirt, black leggings and combat boots, I jumped the rest of the stairs, landing in a crouching position. From there, I ran into the kitchen to see my dad slaving away over the hob.

He must of heard me coming in because he turned his head in my direction. He smiled and put the spatula on the side and went to wash his hands. When he came back, he pulled me into a hug, humming 'Happy Birthday To You' into my ear.

When he pulled back he said, "Something arrived for you this morning. It's on the dining room table with everything else." With a - smaller this time - smile on his face and went back to breakfast. I sat down at the kitchen table and grabbed today's Daily Prophet there's never usually anything interesting in it but worth a look.

Like said, there was nothing interesting in there so I put it back on the table just as dad was dishing up my favourite breakfast. As soon as he sat down with his plate in front of him, we both grabbed our knife and fork at the same time and smirked at each other. We were eating what muggles call a full English Breakfast, something Dad and I called competition.

Dad started the countdown, "3... 2....1.... GO" We both dug in at the same time, racing to be the first to finish. I started on the beans - my least favourite part - and finished them in around 7 seconds.

I had gotten quicker at eating over the years but dad always eats slower and makes the excuse of 'I actually want to taste my Breakfast, not swallow it whole'. Yeah, yeah, whatever dad. I quickly scarfed down my scrambled egg, ending with a burp - making dad laugh into his orange juice.

Once I had finished my food, I grabbed my orange juice and chugged it. I place the cup down with a 'thwack' and burped in dad's face one more time. "Ha." I laughed in his face. I stood up and took my dirty dishes to the sink, dad right behind me, still chewing his bacon.

I ran up to the bathroom to brush my teeth, brush my hair, wash my face, and put my charm bracelet on. I heard a knock on the front door and dad mumble 'I thought i told him to walk right in' then shout, "Josie, get the door, please."

"Coming!" I shouted as I slid down the banister of the stairs, stumbling when I reached the bottom. "m'okay" I said in response to dad's frantic running and his 'oh shit are you okay'. I reached the front door and swung it open to reveal a family of three stood in front of me.

"Joselin, Happy Birthday!" James shouted, bringing me into a bone crushing hug. "Bloody Hell, 11 already?" I rolled my eyes at that stupid nickname he gave me but hugged him back anyway. James can be an over-sized baby at times; he gets way too excited, he pretends to cry, he rolls around on the floor, and I swear I've seen him suck his thumb before!

"Thank you, Jamesipoo!" I shouted back, just as loud. I pulled away from James and hugged Lily. "Morning, Lily!" I said cheerily. Ignoring James's 'when will she stop calling me that' to dad, who shrugged his shoulders.

"Happy Birthday, Jo!" She said softly. She pulled out of the hug and pinched my cheek, making me cringe and swat her hand away. I hate it when she does that. 

I quickly hugged Harry then we all went into the kitchen to wait on my Godfather, Remus Lupin. Speaking of. The doorbell just rang. I ran back down the hall and swung the door open. It was, in fact, Remus. I slung my arms 'round him while he chuckled, wrapping his arms around me.

"TIME FOR PRESENTS!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, as soon as the door was closed.


Well, that was Chapter One! I hope you enjoyed because I really struggle when it comes to writing. Anyway, be prepared for slow updates, grammar mistakes, and short chapters. I'll mainly be posting at the weekend apart from when we break up from school for summer.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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