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(Same as the old one, but with a few minor details changed and updates)

Real-life name: (R/n) (Real name) (L/n)

Online name: (Y/n) Yeon

Alias/Nicknames (From the game to the point in the new world):


- Crossover King

(New World)

- Adventurer of Darkness

- The Eternal King of the kingdoms of Einheit and Nazarick.

Age: Mentally- 21, but when being transformed to the New World, Physically - 18

Backstory: Much like his best friend Momonga, he was kind of someone who spends most of his time online than real life due to the events that happened in his time. No father, mother died of an illness, his siblings were in different parts of the world, and friends have been basically doing their own jobs. His job is basically being a type of teacher in a middle school since it was his dream job to help the youth do better than the old without being that stupid in today's standards.

In online, he was a humanoid race, but at some points, he would help players that aren't his race. First, he started as a simple person who has more potential than others, only taking all jobs even if it has certain quests that are escorts and/or accompany another set of members. At one point of his time in YGGDRASIL, he encountered Momonga being ambushed by PKers to which gotten (Y/n) mad at this point and kill the PKers out of pure hatred for being try-hards. Momonga thought (Y/n) was another of those fools who wanted fame or something, but noticed that (Y/n) didn't care about all the stuff about killing heteromorphic races when (Y/n) gave him an item that would support him. Thus, this made a bond between these two as (Y/n) would help Momonga give items and/or advice during their friendship. At this point, the PKers were aiming for him as well but failed every time since (Y/n) has farther experience with games at a young age than those who think they are better at him since they got better items, levels, superior stats, etc. Even the penalties didn't cause him any problems.

5 years within the game, the crossover events have begun. Some had a hard time, some had given up, some thought it was an excuse of bringing more players in, but to (R/n), he took all of the little time he had and rush through all the crossovers events that came. That's where his race begins to change. He went from being a humanoid to a heteromorphic after a certain crossover event has changed him dramatically. To those who fought him, those who wanted a challenge to improve themselves to just the typical PKers, they called him, The Crossover King.

To be blunt, he is his exclusive race known as Singularity. One that looks human, but a dangerous monster on the inside.

To which, it caught the attention of Momonga, once more, and his guild members. Momonga offered (Y/n) to join him and his guild to help out the guild, which (Y/n) has already accepted since he felt like changing the daily parts of his online life. So, with him, Momonga and the guild, they were were a good type of guilds that were a force of nature that shouldn't be dealt alone or less than a few members, especially due to (Y/n) having most of his time working on the Crossover items/powers. Even when most of his guild members quit since they have real-life jobs and such, (Y/n) was one of the members to stay in.

This was the point that (Y/n) became more of one of the iconic players of YGGDRASIL that a lot of people have praised him for his time and effort. This got the developers to even have him an official home that some can't even do because of his sheer amount of time he has. For his time and effort, (Y/n) has created his own home out of the material he had obtained through the events as well as the help from his fellow guild members and friends. A home that was known as the Skydom, Einheit.

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