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The Winchester's had a regular family life until that fateful day. They lived on a regular American street in a regular American town in a two-story detached house. On that day Mary Winchester carried her son, Dean, into his little brother's room. "Say goodnight to your brother," said Mary as she let the child wonder over to the crib.

"Goodnight Sam," said Dean as his mother joined him to kiss the baby on it's forehead. Another figure arrived at the doorway, John Winchester.

"Goodnight, love," he said as he hugged Mary. Dean quickly ran up to his knee and hugged it. "Hey Dean," he said as placed him on his shoulder.

"Daddy!" Dean replied.

"Hey, buddy. You think Sammy's ready for a little touch of the football yet?"

"No Daddy."

John sniggered. "Goodnight Dean." He placed the child back on the floor and watched him toddle of. He leaned over the crib. "Goodnight Sam."


Mary Winchester woke to the sound of the baby monitor wailing. She searched the bed for her husband but he was no where to be found. "John?" No answer. She dragged herself out of bed and groggily walked around the house. She checked Sam's room to find John leaning over the cradle. "John, is he hungry?" she asked but he just shushed her. "Okay." Mary turned back to her bedroom but suddenly she heard the sound of the TV coming from downstairs. She wondered down the stairs and found John on the sofa lying there. It was definitely John. So who was upstairs. Mary's heart pounded as she realised that it was a total stranger who was lying at Sam's cot! "Sammy! Sammy!" she shouted as she ran up the stairs. She ran into the room and screamed.

John Winchester suddenly woke up. "Mary! Mary!" He dashed upstairs and into the baby's room. Only the baby was there moving around in the crib. John rested on the side of it looking down at the baby. He looked down. Something wasn't right. He saw something on the pillow - blood! Another two drops fell onto his hand and he looked up. He didn't believe what he saw. He fell onto the floor as Mary was on the ceiling frozen - dead! "NO!" John screamed. "MARY!" Suddenly the woman set on fire setting the whole room alight! John grabbed the wailing baby and ran into the corridor. The commotion had woken up Dean and he ran out as well.

"Daddy, what's going on?" he asked.

"Take your brother outside as fast as you can and don't look back! Go Dean, go!" John replied. He looked back at the room and it was fully alight. Bits of ceiling started falling down.


John, Dean and Sam all looked up at the dead house. The tragic events of that day changed their lives forever...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2014 ⏰

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