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Sometimes I just want to die like there's reason why

1) I'm fat ( and everyone reminds me)

2) unloved ( my mom and dad left me when I was a baby )

3) unwanted ^^

4) not pretty

5) no friends ( not real ones at least)

6) stupid ( I can even spell right or anything)

7) can't do anything right

8) I hate that I have dexlexia ( idk how it's spelled)

9) I'm not smart

10) not funny

11) don't have confidence

12) hate the way I look

13) I hurt other people feels

14) I have been billed

15) adopted

And more but here the real reason I  tried to overdosing with anything I could find but I still wakes up , i

I feel bad I have a gay best friend and she said she's in love with me but I don't fell the same way but I don't want to say I don't like you and never talk again.

Sometimes I think of my mom , but the thing is I don't even know her she didn't make me into the person I'm am today , I all ways write to her every day asking her "why why did she leave , why did she leave me alone", she left me and my other siblings half I don't know she started haveing kids at the age 11 the ones I do know they got adopted with me my two half-boi sister , she would sleep with anyone she was ... Idk how to say it without it being bad mean to her she was a slut a hoe she slept with people got pregnant thin left , so who knows how many siblings I have . My new mom doesn't want me to meet her , my mom ( "my real mom") she had a chance to be in mine and my sisters life but she didn't want to change for us ... Not even any of us we all grow up without a mom , dad real siblings , idk there's a lot of thing I want to tell her but I don't know if she will. -- Aaliyah M. 🖤

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