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From the bushes, he lurked, his significantly more Asian friend close behind him. His eyes focused on the creature in front of him. Massive, like the Eiffel tower he extended towards the sky. A tree of a man, a man of a tree. Simply gorgeous.

Significantly more Asian friend let out a high pitched giggle, quiet with her voice, "hERk HerK..."

Rather inconspicuous they were, as the significantly less Asian male stuck his head out from within one of the bushes, the giggle of a gremlin escaping his now parted lips, "HehehHEhEhEhe... daddy..."

Tree turns, eyes scanning all but the bushes, oh you foolish tree-man. He tilts his head, confused like a puppy, he just can't seem to figure out if he heard something or not.

He speaks, his voice like static as we've never heard it before- I mean- He was like Slenderman, tall and scary, too tall for others to hear him where they stood on the ground. Hah. Foolish mortals. However, despite this, his words were crisp and clear.

"Did I just hear a mosquito?" He scratches his head, failing to notice the mess of giggles coming from the bush two feet behind him.

He walks on, the two bush trolls following him. The older of the two trolls, the significantly less Asian one, gets distracted. Before him, stands a man with the most beautiful ass he's ever seen. He's practically drooling, the man notices him staring, turning and squinting at him with eyes like beautiful crescent moons.

Amidst his drooling, the now very significantly Asian one lets out a quiet mutter, "Daddy?"

The very gorgeous man before him grunts, "我看起来像你爸爸吗?"

Thankfully, the significantly Asian one understands him due to the one Chinese class he took, 'Do I look like your daddy?'

The significantly more Asian friend snorts, "No, but he does."

All eyes follow her extended finger, and before their eyes, the least Asian one of them all - falls dead on the ground.

The tree turns, unsuspecting as always, "What?"

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