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"And the third and final round goes to the Wolf Bats!" The announcement blared throughout the Pro Bending Stadium, and the crowd increased their cheers for the winning team in reaction.

Three men on the red side of the bending circle removed their helmets and waved to the audience in glory with mischevious smirks plastered on their faces.

Unfortunately, the opposite team on the blue side were kneeling with defeated looks on their faces, and one of them was soaked with water dripping from her dark hair.

The said 19 year old girl rose from her kneeling position as did the other two girls, but she was the only one glaring at their rivals on the other side of the circle.

"This isn't fair," Akani muttered as she took of her soaked helmet with the red stripe on top. Her eyebrows furrowed in anger and her face got hotter as she thought about their loss.

"They cheated! Did no one see their obvious fouls?!" She pointed towards the Wolf Bats, but none of Akani's team mates bothered to support her accusations as one of them, specifically the one with the green stripe on her helmet, walked towards the lift to get off of the field.

Only a moment passed when one of the Wolf Bats, Tahno, faced towards Akani's accusing finger, and smirked.

"What's wrong, Snow Leopard?" Tahno mockingly asked while flipping his dark and wavy hair out of his eyes.

"Don't act innocent!" Akani balled up her hand into a fist while her waterbender teammate walked closer to the scene.

"You guys paid off the referee!" Akani clenched her teeth so hard she thought her jaw would shatter.

"Now, now, I know you have your panties in a twist, but don't go out accusing someone just because you lost a match."

"We wouldn't have lost if you guys didn't cheat!" She retorted.

Tahno teasingly raised one of his eyebrows in response. "Are you sure about that?"

That sent the Snow Leopard's firebender off the edge, because the next moment she swung her leg outwards and fire erupted and glided against the floor. Tahno didn't have enough time to react because he was already taking off his armor that was on fire, and trying to put it out with his waterbending.

"Don't you think that I'll stop there," Akani muttered before a hand reached out to grab her shoulder, which halted her movements.

"That's enough, Akani," Julia, giving a light squeeze to her sister's shoulder. The older sibling simply huffed out a frustrated breath in response, which led to Julia's arm being draped over her shoulders.

"You know it's not worth it," Julia whispered.

Akani squeezed her fist once more before releasing her fingers out of the hold.

"Whatever," Akani turned away from the taunting Wolf Bats, and slung her arm around her sister's waist before moving towards the lift.

Moments passed as the two girls still lightly held each other in silence as they waited for the elevator to stop. As the desired time came, they stepped off and did the walk of misery towards their team's locker room. When the siblings arrived at the door, they were greeted by the hushed voices between the Snow Leopard's earthbender, and their manager.

When the pair's presense was noticed in the room, the quiet conversation quickly ceased. Their manager turned to look at the sisters in dismay, while the female earthbender crossed her arms and refused to make eye contact with her teammates.

"Girls," The said-manager murmured in a somewhat angered state. Apparently it wasn't the first time the team experienced him in this state, because Akani scoffed before unwrapping herself from Julia.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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