Chapter 1

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- Note: this is my first time writing a story on Wattpad, bear with me!! -

Jeannie's eyes pop open as the deafening sound of her alarm clock pierces her ears. She reaches her arm over and swats her alarm clock until the sound is silenced. She flops back over and chooses to ignore the fact that it's 6:00 am and time to wake up.

El sips her coffee as she listens to her son babble on and on to her and Mike.
"And all you have to do is collect enough gems to buy the mega sword. Then you can fight the dragon. Isn't that like the coolest thing ever, mom?" Said Ben excitedly.
El nodded her head and smiled at her 6-year-old son.
"You know Benjamin, you're so much like your father. You both never stop talking." El said, chuckling.
Ben rolled his eyes and ran upstairs to play with his DS before school. El never really understood all the new technology of the 2000s era but she figured if it made her kids happy, she didn't see the problem.

Mike walked down the staircase clumsily as he was attempting to tie his tie and comb his hair with his fingers.
El looked up at her frazzled husband and laughed.
"You know, you're supposed to get ready before you're heading out the door." El said lovingly.
Mike smiled at her and came over and gave her a quick kiss.
"Where's Jeannie? We have to go now." Mike said quickly as he was putting on his shoes.
El realized her daughter was missing from the picture.
"Shit. I'll go wake her up. Head to work. You're late. I'll take Jeannie to school." El kissed Mike goodbye and he head out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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