Keep Positive Possible

55 4 8

The Glass is Always Half Full!
              Not ½ Empty...

Always work that mind of your to think one good thing in bad scenario and you have won the war, maybe even the battle.

Nighttime can be your best time to write.
When I was little I had a dream journal and ideas pad.
The dream journal is self explanatory. The idea pad looks like an IKEA for dreams.

I LOVE the idea of being in love.
Whether its a human, animal or fave choc.
It is one of my fave things and one of my biggest downfalls.

When I was little I drew up watching Disney and reading about love in all different forms...Disney being probably the most fucked up here influence wise...

If It had a love story I was interested...

Love is ½ Invincible
½ Evol (love backward)

If you dont work on both
One side will win overall
Resulting in
Blissfully Ignorance
A Broken Heart

You never know you're actually

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