Yuki meets bulma

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On planet Namek there two very strong people. Their names Lord Frieza and Lady Yuki. 

They are gathering the Dragon Balls to make Frieza immortal.  Yuki is getting bored watching her brother order people around demanding the Dragon Balls.

"Brother im going to explore the planet " .Yuki tells her brother. 

"Don't be gone long sister dear," Friza says to Yuki.

Yuki flies off looking around the planet even though they are there for the Dragon Ball Yuki still things the planet is pretty.

Yuki feels two weak power levels also she hides her power and goes behind a rock. She sees two earthlings one bald ine young boy.

"YOU GUY BETTER NOT FORGET ABOUT ME !'. Bulma yells at Gohan and Krillin.

Yuki peeks from behind the rock and sees Bulma.

" Perfect.  " Yuki flies over to Bulma

"Who are you!!" Burma asked shaking as she looks at Yuki.

"It doesn't matter who I am. I not going to kill you for you. Just do as I say. "  Yuki says.

"No way im not going to do anything you say!". Bulma says as she begins to run away from Yuki.

Yuki sighs and appears in front of Bulma and hit a pressure point on Bulma neck knocking her out.

Yuki carries Bulma to her brother.

" Brother look what I got !' Yuki says as she hold a knocked out Bulma.

"Can I keep her, please. " Yuki asked her older brother.

"Very well she your responsibility. " Friza says and pat his sister's head.

"Yay. Yuki takes Bulma back to the ship

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