Chapter 1: It all goes wrong

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" Mochida, Mochida, Mochida! That's all I hear about! Your so obsessed with him!"

Yoshiki glared angrily at Ayumi, who stared daggers back at him. The rain above them poured down in torrents, wetting the street they fought beside.

" No! I'm not obsessed with him! At least he's not a delinquent like you!"She spat at him.

His eyes hardened to the colour of gun metal.

" Shut up! I hate being called a fu**ing delinquent!" He yelled at her,clenching his fists.

People stopped across the street, staring at the teens as they fought. The girl made angry hand gestures, and the boy spat swears back at her.

" Aargh! You don't get it!" He said, furious.

" Get what? That your a freaking idiot? Because I DEFINITLY GET THAT!"

" No! You don't get how I've been trying to help you this entire fu**ing time! "

" What the heck are you saying?!"


Ayumi stopped. She stared at Yoshiki, who began to slowly back away from her, and onto the road.

" Yoshiki..." She whispered, but he simply began shaking his head.

" No. No, just stay away from me. You can't love me, you just love Mochida. I can't, I just can't, Ayumi." He said, taking more steps back onto the road.

" I'm sorry, Ayu-"


" Huh?"

He looked away from her, startled by her horrified scream, only to see a truck barreling towards him, horn blaring one long note.

He tried to run, but he was a deer in headlights. He froze, but turned his head, giving a split-second look at Ayumi, before the truck's front hit him with full force.


The boy went flying through the air, beads of blood escaping his mouth. He shot back a few feet, before landing in the road in a crumpled heap. Blood gushed out of wounds on his head and chest, with a small trickle dripping out of his mouth.

" YOSHIKI!!!!" Ayumi screamed, and sprinted out onto the road, ignoring the honking cars she ran past.

She kneeled by the injured boy. His eyes were closed, and his breathing weak, and choppy. She gently cradled his head, and let it rest on her knees. She sobbed, holding his hand to her face.

" I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" She cried.

Bystanders took videos from their phones, while other called the ambulance or came to help her.

One man took off his jacket and used it to stop the blood pouring from his head, while a woman let her cry on her shoulder, while she patted her back soothingly.

"* cough cough* w-what h-happened..." Yoshiki said weakly. Ayumi gasped and hugged his head between her knees and her chest.

" Yoshiki! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't die! Please!" She sobbed, tears falling onto his face.

Yoshiki chuckled softly, then winced.

" Ayumi... It hurts... Everywhere. What happened to me? Why does it hurt?" He asked her, his eyes widening in panic.

"You were hit by the truck, Yoshiki." She struggled to choke out. " Just please, stay with me, okay? The ambulance is here."

Yoshiki was loaded onto the ambulance, where he lost conciousness again. Ayumi held his hand, watching as more and more blood stained the bandages he wore. His own blood , to be exact.

She called her friends one by one, and sobbed with them about the news. Mayu promised that she would come visit the next day, for it was late at night when the accident happened. Ayumi thanked her sincerely, and hung up, putting her head in her hands.

" This was all my fault..."


Hai! I hope you like the first chapter of my new Fanfiction! It's gonna be very dramatic, with much Ayushiki fluff too!



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