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I adjusted myself in my seat, smoothing out the folds of my lapis gown. A looming warmth made the air in the moving carriage stifling. Although the summer heat was not the only thing contributing to the thick atmosphere.

"Lau, I swear if you don't put out that damned pipe I will shove it down your throat." My brow twitched in annoyance as I glared at him, Ran-Mao peering down at me from his lap as opium smoke seeped through her lips.

"Come now, F/N. Is that any way for a lady to talk?" Lau responded with a smile, taking the pipe from his sister. I ignored him and drew one of the curtains to have a look outside. Lau chuckled out of my view, the grin in his voice ever so evident. "Are you nervous to meet the famous 'Queen's Guard Dog'?"

"I am nothing of the sort. I'm actually rather excited to see him," I started. "The Yard fronts him as a brat, but I'd like to form my own opinion before arousing gossip." My palms started to sweat as my hickory hair clung to the back of my neck. What horrid conditions to travel in, especially with this particular man.

"That so?" Lau responded, voice dragging into a steady silence.

I jumped as the driver smacked the roof of the carriage, shouting through the wood to announce that we had arrived. A sigh of relief was an appropriate response.

     I stood, or rather crouched, and reached for the door. But just as my fingers grazed the handle, it was turned and pulled open. I looked up in surprise, meeting eye to eye with a handsome man.

     "Good morning, my lady." He greeted with a squinted smile, outstretching a gloved hand to assist me out of the landau. I gratefully grabbed it and used his other arm to steady myself as he swiftly pulled me down.

Even after he let go to assist Ran-Mao, I could still feel the sensation of his touch. A chill ran down my spine, my lips pulling down into a confused frown.

     "Well if it isn't the Earl's faithful butler!" Lau chirped. Butler?

     I got a better look at him now. He was tall with seeping obsidian locks, his suit matching the dark colour. But more than his appearance, I felt something else. An unease. Similar to the eerie eyes you feel staring at you in the dark.

     "Hello, Lau." I whipped my head around at the entrance of a new voice. A young boy with navy hair stood before me, a patch covering his right eye.

     "My lord!" Lau skipped up next to me with a smile. "Lord"? Does that mean that this is Earl Phantomhive? I viewed him through my lashes, chin lifting instinctively.

     The boy looked at me, a stoic expression adorning his childish face. "And who might this be?"

     I turned towards him, smiling politely as I dipped into a quick courtesy. "Forgive me," I said before pushing back my shoulders and standing straight. "My name is F/N L/N, owner of Papyrus Co. It is a pleasure to meet you."

    "No need for such formalities, Lady F/N. I am Ciel Phantomhive, Earl of the Phantomhive household. The pleasure is all mine," he politely responded, a small smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth. "L/N... I feel like I've heard that name before."

     "F/N is a self-made bestselling author, she has over a dozen novels published!" Lau stated, grinning with a finger pointing up. "You've probably read one of them, my lord!"

"Most likely, reading is a past time of mine." Ciel's eyes dragged over to me, assessing. I didn't flinch under his gaze.

He suddenly turned around and stalked up to the door of his manor, waving his hand over a shoulder to his butler. "Sebastian, prepare for lunch."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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