Chapter 1. Kidnapped # 1

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My white sneakers rustle among old bars. Every now and then a stick or two was broken. Even a single cone could be fired from time to time. The full moon is the only light source I have. It shines so brightly and clearly above my head, among all the crowns of the big black. It is quite strange, nevertheless, that it is so dark in this season.

The clock is about 22:00 and I have just been with my best friend. Kayla, as I have known throughout my life. We had been studying for a test we will have next week. No test, not my best subject to say it all. But you still have to study it.

A cool spring breeze blew me. My long blonde hair went faintly after it. A smile was created on my lips when another breeze blew me. It made me for a short second to forget the darkness that surrounds me.

Of course, I get light from the moon. But it's too weak for me to feel safe. And my mobile is completely dead, so I can't use the flashlight. So I just have to settle for this.

I'm not so scared of most of the time. But walking in a forest - an eerie one in the middle of the night. Maybe not the best seat to sit in. Because there are many rumors about this forest. On the day it is innocent, but at night anything can happen. You never know who is lurking among the shadows.

No, you just scare yourself.

My gaze dropped to the ground and my shoes, which unfortunately are not so white anymore. It was just when I had kicked off a cone. As I noticed a little stronger light. My gaze was brought up and watched the exit from the forest. Where a street lamp shone outside.

A relief rinsed over me as I walked toward the exit. But, before I took a step, I knew how someone put me. Undecided as I was, I fell forward with a scream that escaped from my lips. The head hit hard in the ground, but even on a small stone I think.

Everything for the eyes turned black. But before I became completely unconscious, I could hear someone or some talking. It was so bleak, so I couldn't hear how many it was, who it was or what they said.

This is not good.

The second before the consciousness disappeared completely, I felt how someone raised me in his arms. More I could not feel or hear, before everything became black.


My eyelids opened slowly, but still I couldn't see anything. Sound from wheels that roll against gravel feels like torture. My whole head is pounding. I checked around, but everything was too dark.

Where am I? Or where am I going?

Careful with the body that felt like boiling spaghetti, so I sat up. My hand let me go to my forehead. A rough crust was there just above my eyebrow. Which of course my nails would tear up when I jumped on.

So now a hot and sticky liquid runs down. Not much, but enough to make me feel a little sick. It is a small wound, but it does not matter better. But I'm glad it wasn't bigger, because then it would bleed more and I would be more nausea.

Very carefully I tried to get up, even though my legs felt like boiling spaghetti. But I just came up with a little neighbor. Before I dropped the balance and fell as fast again.

Okay I have to try again.

Carefully I got up again. This time I managed to stay up. For a while at least. Because when it swung, my body hit the wall and then to the ground. Where I once again lay completely tapered.


When I woke up again, I was not left. Now I was tied to a chair. The room I was in I didn't see a glimpse of. All besides darkness, the flashing light right above me, a chair in front of me and a small table beside me.

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